Name: Nakila Walsh, nah kih laa, the connection starts within

Gender: Female, Bisexual

Age/DOB: 17, aged, RY4

Origin: Rookery born to Repurposed parents

Family: Mother Jennifer Lange, father Nohaa Walsh, twin brother Joel, other half-siblings and relatives including Vahh's line and uncle Gene

Other: she's a little more picky about who she hangs out with, than her brother; Keenan thinks quite highly of her, and she's done her best to keep up with him and impress him as best she can

Height: 5'6"

Weight: maybe 90* Icarus lightened her weight, her build is quite slender but not skinny, and she is remarkably agile even if she looks a bit stick-figurish; she is slightly shorter than her parents, more like grandma Mars

Hair: charcoal black, fluffy and full, kept short as shown with a distinct widows peak visible; it always seems to sit just where she wants it, without interrupting her vision

Eyes: brightly green, multishaded with a more lime rim and darker near pupils. They are much wider and rounder than her brother's, though she still has a strong epicanthal fold like her mother

Appearance: Fair skin that's pretty creamy but tans into a golden shade (if she's ever in the sun without a full suit on); lean and long limbed, overall petitie but well balanced; likes wearing the Icarus undersuit with added layers as shown, and like her brother has a fondness for the same black-red-white color scheme; her face is quite sharp, and she spends a lot of time smiling but you never really know whether that's because she's scheming or because she genuinely is happy; has a husky voice, can be quite loud if she wants to be

Icarus Processing: Yes, as she was with her brother Mel didn't think it would be wise to give one twin an advantage... sure, Mel, go with that. Obviously her build was affected strongly, she is not quite as fast as her brother, but still nearly 2.5 times faster than a normal person, for all activities including dexterity tasks, and she heals nearly 3x faster than normal; the processing boosted her Vortal energies significantly.

Image Credits: Meiker - Doll Divine / Trinket Fire Emblem

Genetic Abilities: because she and her brother are Vahh's grandchildren, it is obvious that they have strong Vortal power. Nakila's is both well hidden and extremely strong. Her Vortal aura is a shade of green that borders on peacock-teal, but it only comes out when she's really wanting anyone - including Vorts or even grandfather Keenan - to see it. She does give off a strange invisible aura of ... something? Even normal people are well aware of her power level, even if she's acting totally 'just like a teenager' at the time. From her eyes, though, she sees everything. There is nothing Vortal that escapes her detection, and she sees not only living things but objects or effects that have recently been altered or interacted with. And though she does have training from them, she hardly ever hangs out among the Vortigaunts in their lairs because they tend to leave so much Vortessence everywhere that it 'gets in the way'. Her vision is crowded but she makes sense of it all easily, and can 'see in long distance vision' by tracking an individual Vortal line, effectively an 'out of body' sight. That said: she can break those connections, erase auras and evidence. Keenan has very carefully instructed her on the finer points of this: because she is in effect able to remove a living being's Vortal energy - destroying it, sucking it into her own aura, or moving it around. These are things that he has done in the past, and he knows the repurcussions of it intimately. She among all of his family is able to destroy a Convocation entity, the threat of which is significant enough that he wants her to understand never to do this. Being able to redact an entity as powerful as he is, is one thing. Becoming an executioner is another entirely - and that is also among his long list of events he'd rather forget. Nakila understands languages with ease, all of them, though she speaks only a few. She is able to do the normal 'psychic suite' with strong telepathy at virtually any distance, empathic to a strong degree close up, and even works with dreams and visions to put people's minds at ease or create havoc among the enemy. Her power works on both Vortal and Psionic minds, so she can detect the Advisors, Ulathoi, at very long distances. However, both Keenan and Paxton insist that she remain as far from them as possible - because they can see her if she's not careful. Any large amount of Vortal energy will attract their attention, so she leaves little to no trail behind her when she's moving through enemy territory. Unlike her brother, she almost entirely lacks telekinetic or pyrokinetic power, though she does have the ability to overpower an item that someone else is working with, and she can set off traps of small items waiting for such a power surge while slinking around an enemy camp. If someone else 'tags' a rock or soda can, she can then 'heat it up' with Vortal power, until it bursts in a shower of shrapnel. This only works at somewhat closer range than she likes, around 20 meters at most, so she still has to be near enough and that puts her in some amount of danger in the field. She does have a strangely emergency-only level power to teleport, this has activated on several occasions and acts as a safety net for her. If she overpowers herself and the Vortal lines around her, she simply stops being there and moves elsewhere. This has gotten her into some strange locations, as the distance she can be moved is well over a thousand miles. It doesn't exhaust her, but it does leave a nasty Vortal scar where she's left, though no trace of where she's gone. She cannot control this power, and cannot control where she winds up with it. It is Keenan's hope that she will be able to master Vortal construct creation, and given her penchant for mapping and memorization, she's on track to do so, though what she might fill her space with is anyone's guess.
Skills or Profession: while growing up, or being aged, she was given plenty of downloads as well as practical testing and experience in order to become a sort of Vortal spy, slinking around in Vortal space while being unobserved. As a spy she's unrivaled, but she does prefer to watch over friends, than snoop dangerous enemies without backup. She has been trained, more than just relying on downloaded sets, to watch for certain minds in a group, and to keep them safe while others do their thing. She does have a good degree of tactical and logical training, but prefers to let the team leaders tell her where they want her in any situation. She spends quite a bit of time examining her own mental maps, memorizing things, and checking in on family members and friends. She does want to learn more about practical recordkeeping and logistics, and has consulted with a number of Rookery riders in order to help them as well as learn their trade. As stated, she has a clear understanding of languages, but she does 'only' speak English, French, Korean, and Arabic, with a decent amount of ('high pitched' so they say) Vortigese. There is no way to hide a discussion from her, even if she doesn't let on that she understands, anyone trying to pull something untoward will get a nasty surprise.
Personality: Though she's certainly willing to chill with people she doesn't know, she prefers family and close friends, and relies on them to introduce her to others rather than just strolling up to everyone in sight like some people yes I mean you Joel and yes you too Dad. Keenan likes her company because she's got a good sense for business versus pleasure, and how best to mix them. She does enjoy style and fashion, anything that goes with the Icarus outfit, though she doesn't care for skirts or dresses so much as suits and formalwear. If she was just human, she might be the type to be a receptionist... who's really the CEO of the company. Huh. Wonder why Keenan likes that?

Events or History: because Nohaa loves explosions, and Jennifer produces explosions, and her brother is kinda nerdy-hot and he likes that too... Uncle Gene didn't really play any role beyond helping train these kids in some ways, but for sure once Keenan realized the potential of this grandchild of his, he played a very strong role in her upbringing. Ironically though, Gene has provided his niece with ideas of how best to get away from things she dislikes, and how to deal with incessant pestering (yes, that means 'from your mom, who did you think he meant?').

Though it surprised some folks to see her paired up with the big bold Resheph Thain, they both have a sense of style and ability to discern motive that makes them a good team. She resides at the Mansion, most of the time, and relies on other people's powers or technology to get between places quickly for duties among the ranks.


Name: Resheph Thain, the Burner, bringer of plague (Semitic)
Gender: Hermaphrodite, presents masculine but can sire or bear offspring, he/him
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large 12'3" / 44' l / 60' ws
Colors: Body matte strong red with graphite accents on shoulders, hips, face, under tail; shiny black striped socks on feet, wing fingers, tail tip; wings shiny black; horns and tongue dark crimson; crest and tail tip dark graphite; eyes black with red irises; bling of various colors
Features: rubbery skin; four legs (quad stance, siblings may be biped) with long sharp claws; leathery wings with 2 fingers and short wrist claw; smooth face with external ears, high crest; straight back horns with upcurved ends; long tongue; genetics vary in offspring, will inherit THAIN last name
Powers: Winged Flight, Resheph is quite strong and extremely agile in the air. Obviously strong and durable, though he tends to dislike chilly weather and seems a little sluggish if he has to get up too early in the day. That said, in warmer air or if he's been given a boost of some kind that involves fire or heat. With active fires or hot air around, he is remarkably fast, and can fly circles around dragons a third his size. He can use his sizeable legs to grip massive items and lift them seemingly without effort into the air. A favored tactic is to spot an enemy or location, and drop something big on it - go squish. He's actually quite fun to ride, and since he hardly tires if it's day time and he can retrieve people or items from far away as well as give them an intersting speech on the way home.
Teleportation/Void-based, though he is able to fly, he can also slip into the Void for brief periods and show up somewhere else. Usually this is limited to about 10 miles, he claims that he loses momentum while in the Void, and this makes a certain amount of sense since it seems to be bitterly cold there. He will not bring anyone living through it, without knowing they can handle it, and for that he relies on Nakila to determine. Inanimate objects don't suffer at all, but it is true that non-Vortal or unprotected creatures will lose an incredible amount of health as well as sanity while there.
Communication, though Resheph is capable of telepathically communicating with his human partner as well as dragons of any kind, he tends to be the verbal type, and has an extensive vocabulary. He doesn't care to 'talk over the heads' of people, however, and is more chatty and even a bit of a gossip given his ability to discern motives. He has a smooth voice, and likes to whisper much more than shout, but he knows both have their place. He speaks English, Vortigese, and several dialects of Draconic regularly, but does understand the languages his human friend does due to their innate bond.
Infernal Senses, though 'infernal' doesn't really apply, he can sense motives and discern whether someone's a 'good guy or bad guy' with ease, usually while around 200 meters away, but with clarity and detail to memories or hidden thoughts if they're riding or nearby. He does know how to keep a secret, but also values blackmail... no one said he's always gotta be goody-goody.
Acid, Fire, Immunity to Poisons - Resheph is named for his abilities to burn and spew poisonous acids on enemies or around the air. He can say he's entirely immune to all forms of poisons, whether they're organic or other sources, and can walk through fire like nobody's business. He does have the ability to spit thick, sticky acid over a small area, and can use this to dissuade animals or foot soldiers from entering a space if he can't outright block it with fallen items. This stuff clings and begins eating away at any organic materials, so heavy boots or armor would certainly prevent outright damage, but it also gives off a nasty smell and strong fumes which can irritate lungs and eyes easily. Also: they can be ignited. So yeah, he'll wait for the weaklings to get through on the backs of their dead friends and then unload a spark that burns whatever is left. His fire is super hot, hellishly so, and like the acid will cling to things far longer than it ought to. These are usually quick bursts of short range (less than 50 meters with accuracy) fans of flames, and anything that passes through them will be horribly burned even with armor. He can however also put up a single snipe up to 200 meters accurately, which will bore a hole in damn near anything including thick Combine structure walls. This takes a while to line up and a bit of effort on his part, so he will usually only do this if necessary, and not on a whim.
Parentage: mother Zulain, sire Marquisth, numerous siblings including Aeshma, Belitseri, Soma, Inaras, Teshova, **, **, **
Origin: Hallowed Silk project, Healing Den / Xenian clutch
Other Info: He is clever, not remarkably snarky, and actually among the most genial and enjoyable of his siblings. Though intimidatingly large, he's not the biggest of the brood, and doesn't go around trying to fuck with people. Also, since they live in the Grounds, he has to be careful where he practices his fighting, as they don't want to lose crops or potential housing to dragons rolling around or burning them down.