Name: Napolean Galin

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: 22@RC, unknown dob

Origin: Aperturth, St Louis MO

Family: Parents both alive, possibly younger sister also alive, very likely mutated by the Resonance Cascade given his extreme changes

Other: He really didn't think that there would ever be a girl that might like him 'the way he is now' but it turns out that this amazing shifter dragon he's found ... actually does!

Height: [prior] 6'3" [current/with crest] 7'2"

Weight: had been around 190 and all muscle, now he's about 250 and that's muscle and bone plating, remarkably strong internal structure, and he has a tail now

Hair: [prior] dark brown, stiff, kept short [current] well it kind of turned into that crest, didn't it? Given his mutations resemble a triceratops, and in its juvenile / young form, the nubs at the end of his crest will fuse over time into a much more impressive set of triangular spikes, all in that darker brown color, along with his trio of horns

Eyes: brown, a caramel wood tone, though now they're bigger and under all that bone, he can still see in binocular properly, and it's unlikely that his vision will go full-herbivore any time

Appearance: brown skinned normally, descended from both Asian and First Nation lines, he had been reasonably handsome but then the Resonance Cascade came along and changed his skin into a harder scaley texture, fusing his fingers and toes (3 and 4 respectively), adding a tail, and causing his skull to mutate significantly into the dinosaur-like version shown; His jaw does go to the end of his face but his teeth have changed as well to be more beak-like, his neck is much stronger than it looks. His voice has changed to a more grumbling and slightly slurred speech, his face is just not designed to speak easily.

Image Credits: lethe (both 'makit-guy' maker, MoZeni template)

Genetic Abilities: He is virtually unkillable, his skin is nearly impermeable, and he fights off any disease as if it just isn't there. Parasites cannot reside on him, and his skin does shed a little now and then, probably more so as he will get older. He hardly notices temperature changes, although it's possible that he will slowly get more vulnerable to cold, he's still warm blooded and still technically a mammal.
Icarus Processing: none, though the Resonance Cascade on Aperturth did more than enough... this as above caused many physical changes to his body and physiology. He can eat considerably more trees, grasses, and celulose than before, but cannot digest meat as well (he still can, but in moderation). His bone structure is simply massive, though he does have less mobility than before, particularly his neck and head angle or turning. Because of his hardened skull and new horns, he can use these as attacks as well as defenses, and he's been watching Deathclaws in order to learn how they do their rushing and head-based attacks. He can barrel through cinderblock and sheet rock walls with ease, tosses aside bricks and mortar like they're dust. He cannot go through metal walls, though he takes very little damage from broken glass or sharp edges. He can punch holes in any of those, including thin metal, with his horns.
Skills or Profession: sports and burly activities, and guarding. That's about all he was able to do, he's not remarkably bright, nor interested in exploiting anyone - his skills all revolve around strong arming people into submission, monitoring behaviors, and keeping things where they're supposed to be, whether it be a prisoner on a gurney, or a deathclaw in the quarry.
Personality: Once he was a bit of a bully, giving whirlies to the nerds, and finally getting a great spot on the high school football team as a fullback. He never thought much about the future until he graduated, and at that point a bit of panic set in: his folks weren't going to be able to afford a 'nice' college, but he wasn't going to graduate with any kind of honors anyway. Meh. He'd always been a bit full of himself, so this physical change has also come with some staggering psychological issues. Where is his face? Who could possibly even look at him, let alone like him now? He's a bit shallow, so Z'hakit's 'cheer' certainly helps him out.

Events or History: He had been fresh out of high school, and was thinking about trying for a college scholarship with sports as his focus. Always energetic and tough, and kind of a dick during his younger years, Napolean was humbled a bit when he was rejected for the local college teams, and decided to just go through Aperture's system. They liked how tough he was, and put him in one of their research facilities as a guard, which he's been doing ever since. With the Resonance Cascade, he didn't actually change right away, though his skin started itching and shedding a bit, and then his fingers and toes were fusing... the tail was infuriating, and when the bus they were on and he was serving as a guard overturned during transportation, suddenly - when that one guy went unconscious and his powers stopped working - he and a lot of the others just up and changed. It was very painful, but thankfully brief pain. When Lane showed up with an offer to get them moved to a more... fun... spot, he accepted - knowing that the bunch of looney prisoners would need to have an eye on them. Thankfully the other agents have helped out, the other guards didn't make it to this point.

Currently he and Z'hakit hang out in Sloan, around the Deathclaw-ridden quarry there, keeping those creatures at bay as well as monitoring some other bandit and criminal activity for Aretha. And yes, they are 'a thing'.


Name: Z'hakit Houten
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small*, 6'6" s q + head b / 32' l / 34' ws
Colors: Body light blue with light brown markings and brown mid-feathers on wings; fringe and wing wrists brilliant snowy white feathers; belly scales and wing flight feathers/webs creamy golden; eyes purple; claws and antlers silver
Features: Winter Deer Dragon, as shown
Powers: Winged Flight, Z'hakit is speedy in the air as much as on the ground, though she cannot lift all that much beyond her bond, she is excellent at getting from point a to point b in record time, even for longer distances.
Speed, Particularly on the ground, she can dig into virtually any surface and be super-fast on it. A gently jingling blur of white, brown, and blue is usually all that you can see if she's on the ground. She is incredibly agile on the ground, as well, never getting tripped up on stones or roots, bricks, or even tripwires designed for the task. She can still achieve extreme speeds with Napolean riding her, though her maneuverability does suffer a little, and she tends to be more careful when he's riding her.
Telepathy and Cheer, though she can speak in her humanoid shape (English, Draconic of a variety of types), she relies on telepathy for her draconic shape, and for any distance communication. She can clearly think to other intelligent beings at up to 50 miles, and her bond wherever he may be including off-world. She actually homed in on him from the Healing Den, once he had 'pinged' her senses as Lane moved the group through Xen and onto another dimension's Earth. While close up, however, she can utilize a special form of empathic control, and cheer up virtually any intelligent mind. She doesn't need to worry about rallying anyone into a frenzy with it, it just makes people feel loved, comfortable, and happy. She can take anyone out of an even-suicidal mood, with this. It works at under 25 meters only.
*Shapeshift, as with some of her clutch mates, she is able to shapeshift from draconic to humanoid, and spends about half her time on two feet rather than four. She cannot do any other shapes, just those, and spends no time between them, it's basically instant. She is just as strong in both forms, though she cannot truly fly in her humanoid shape, she can glide or break a fall with her little wings. Should she and Napolean choose to, she would remain in her humanoid form if she... well, gets pregnant.
Heal Self/Others and Multiple Lives, her power over life and death is not as grand as some, but she can heal small wounds and minor bone breaks, burns, and bruises within moments. She cannot fix deeper organ damage, longer term damage such as from disease, and cannot solve parasitic or viral diseases. She also cannot really fix bones as big as Napolean's, but then again he doesn't need her help there. If she sustains a lot of damage at once, enough to effectively 'kill' her, she will instead go into a sort of torpor, and within about a day she'll just get up fully healthy and sound. She may have lost some fur or feathers, but even if something has eaten her flesh, it'll just be back to normal once she's alone.
Light Magic, though she doesn't use it often and it isn't very strong, Z'hakit can cause a bright disorienting flash centered on her antlers, which can be used to attract attention - it's easily visible at up to a mile away on a clear day, and farther at night, though since it's brief it could be mistaken for a falling star or flash bulb. She can flash this about a dozen times at most, before her magic is just worn out, and it takes about a day to recharge from a fully drained state. While it won't do any damage to creatures that are used to light, she can blind underground or visually-sensitive creatures, including Combine Scanners or electronic sources.
Parentage: Mother Zenizap Houten, father Moyangulmandulda, with a number of siblings among the Rookery ranks (Zeinyarlis, Zheumtai, Maelgalbany)
Origin: Healing Den MoZeni winter clutch, had been for Mud but site is gone
Other Info: She is disappointed that her former friend had vanished, literally under her nose. And now, she has chosen to fully bond to this human-turned-dinosaur, not only because he needed some cheering up, but because she also needed it. She sees absolutely nothing amiss with him - she likes his horns, and wonders quite frequently what they will look like on her own feathery offspring...