
Name Silica
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 1
Drive 1 (ride dragon 3)
Looks 5
Cool 5
Bonk 2
Powers Circle of Thorns Magic - these spells vary from immobilization to research, warding through dimensional travel. If they require items or substances, she knows how to find those, thanks Dad.
Demon Summoning - though she concentrates more on smaller imp-sized creatures, Silica has summoned greater beasts and demon lords and they've obeyed her expressly. Whether they realize she's Akarist's daughter, or she's just that good, no one but they know. While dangerous, she has never felt particularly worried when they're near by. She takes no damage from their flames if they're burning, though she does sometimes feel a little more aggressive or angry when they're up doing her bidding. Any given summoned demon will show up, wait for instruction, perform that duty, and once it's done it will vanish back to its home plane. If they're 'killed' they will revert to their state of life (or unlife, depending) in that location safely. Never let it be said she wants to ruin some demon's day by killing it and sending it home in a body bag. If for whatever reason it doesn't get instruction, after about 15 minutes it will automatically return home.
Primarily Dangerous Spells - Silica can cast a variety of Thorn magic: ice shards, fire circles, mental confusion and distress, windy knockback. All of these are quick combat spells that she's had memories since 'birth'. As her father is a 'madness' mage, some of those mental effects might be stronger than the Ice or Fire ones.
Clusters The Right Demon in the Wrong Place Makes All the Difference +3
Skills Combat Spellcasting +3
Use Evil For Good +2
Read Magical Texts +3
Knacks Navigate Portals Or Mazes +2
1 Hedge Mazes: Alibi and Art! / Ihrinnah
2 Advanced Summoning / Lethe
3 Dungeon Crawl / Ashigaru
4 Cartography / Rex 903
5 Decoding Magical Texts / Liaxeri (dragon's gramma!)
6 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist (dad!)
7 Ancient Earth Languages / Cameron
8 Living With Undeath / Shout!
Pets minor demons and summoned creatures
Parents? Akarist
Siblings? Gypsum




Name: Maelgalbany Houten, "Mael" these days
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small 8' s / 33' l / 40' ws
Colors: white glitter body with super slick metallic graphite black markings; belly scales shiny white; fringe black tinsel; arm feathers black, mid feathers liquid black, flight feathers silver chrome; horns and claws silver; eyes red
Features: Winter Holiday Deer Dragon of Justice; four clawed paws, deer-like hind legs all with a lot of fluff; body is furred hide with scaled belly; added fluff pretty much everywhere; two wings with both feathers and sails (visible under) with one visible finger (more internal) and wrist claw; head is dished and angular with furry external ears, hoined curved antler-horns, and bling; tail is split ended with tufts
Powers: Winged Flight, confident and strong in the air as well as on the ground. Considerably stronger than he looks, he seems like a glass ornament but wow he is able to carry up to 5 humanoids and carry a small pickup truck worth of weight. Tends to bob and weave, rather than purposefully zip along.
Teleportation, though not originally born with this talent, after 12 years in the Healing Den he learned how to move between dimensions. He cannot actually teleport to the same world, rather he has to use the Healing Den (only) as an 'unexpressed axis', to go there first and then arrive back locally. He cannot do this often, maybe once a week with rest afterwards, but he can take with him basically anything in that 'small pickup truck' worth of volume.
Verbal Speech, Mael can speak a good number of local languages, picked up at the Healing Den as well as in Carramba. Primarily he speaks English, though he's learned a bit of Ancient Greek, Old One, and the like, from exposure to Silica's father and her classes.
Shapeshifting, Mael is a humanoid-shifter, like his grandmother Liaxeri and dad Moyan. As shown below, he loses a lot of that four-legged aspect but in all other ways is still very much a dragon. No, he cannot fly with those little wings, but they sure are cute. Note that he's about 7' tall at the hair in humanoid form.
Chameleon, because of his remarkably shiny appearance, any of the light parts can take on the surrounding coloration - even down to black, so he can walk through a Combine installation in that weird steel-blue shade with black feathers and fluff.
Light Magic, and if that wasn't enough camouflage, he also has the ability to manipulate light itself. He can cast a bright single light in a beam up to 200 meters without it fading, which will obviously blind anything nearer, he can cast a 'disco ball' of glittering reflection, to dazzle and confuse or delight; Mostly this light is pure white, sometimes edging on silver, but also can reverse it into 'black light' and illuminate all those hidden ultraviolet things.
Musical Assistance, though he doesn't tend to do it when there are people around any more, Mael can hum entire choruses, amplify musical sounds (not 'any' sound), and cause this music to echo for a considerable distance longer than it might normally. So if you sing your message on one side of campus, he can make sure the 'message' gets to that friend in the lunch court.
Heal Self and Others / Multiple Lives, while the healing aspect of Mael's power is something he's quite proud of, he hardly ever uses it on himself, after all he's effectively immortal. Those around him, not so much - so he wants to make sure that anyone needing life-saving magic healing is given it immediately. He can 'regenerate' himself from grievous wounds - actually if he's 'killed' he will shatter like an ornament, bloodlessly, and then swirl a bit and reassemble within about 5 minutes. He's hardly fragile, but sometimes these fights can be overwhelming. He can do this in either form.
Parentage: Zenizap Houten (whorling) and Moyangulmandulda (S'onmul/Liaxeri)
Origin: Healing Den mo-zeni breeding by me, never put up by Cy
Other Info: Though these dragons technically do not 'require' a bond, after so long alone Mael is absolutely going to stick with Silica through thick and thin. He knows that the forces she summons are typically 'evil' but knows also that she is very much not evil.
