Riders of Dragonhope Weyr

Weyrling Master R'vfen

R'vfen is a strong, barrel-chested man who appears to be approaching his sixtieth turn. It is plain by the scarring on his shoulder and neck that he is not going to be riding into Thread very often, but his wisdom and knowledge of Thread fighting have obviously been enough to keep him alive so far.

His dragon Yukanth is similarly scored along his upper body and wing, shoulder and neck. But none of these wounds prevent the large sized brown dragon from flying or participating in the training of the Weyrlings. Part of the dragon's tail has been severed, so it is much shorter than most.

"Are you going to be a weyrling with us soon?" Asks R'vfen, with the hint of a grin on his creased face. "If so, you look like a good worker. Would you like to get a taste of what it's like being a weyrling?"

"Well... What does that involve, sir?" You ask, and his smile broadens.

"I was hoping you would ask that, youngster." You follow him into a wide courtyard where a number of weyrbrats and young riders have their little hatchling dragons. These must be white Camdnith's clutch mates! You wonder why she is not out here with the others, and ask R'vfen this.

"Ah, the white dragon from this clutch has very sensitive eyes and skin. She is a delicate one, but I believe she will be strong. We train her in the dusk and dawn hours, rather than during the full day. I believe she will have a good night-flight ability. Those sensitive eyes of hers will come in handy for that."

Nodding, you continue on. R'vfen tosses you a paddle which is slightly soft and you aren't sure what it is made of.

"That is for the oiling," he tells you, "you're going to be helping oil up the weyrlings. See how much bigger they are than the hatchlings?"

You look over at the courtyard where a number of much bigger dragons wait with their riders smugly overseeing the younger candidates and weyrbrats. Those younger ones have already finished their oiling and feeding, so now they offer their hands to help out the bigger guys. The dragons sizes are dramatically different, you see. Even the green Weyrling is three or more times the size of a brown hatchling! And they will only get bigger!

You assist for a while, tiring out your arms but getting a good work out in the process. And if you are going to be a candidate, R'vfen reminds you, "you'd best get used to the work! It never goes away!"

You thank him for the brief education and tell him you'll be happy to see him with the company of a dragon! Then you move on to the Search Rider (below), or return to Tiruzel's Lower Caverns, or to the Weyr's nexus.

Brown Yukanth, Ridden by R'vfen, Weyrling Master and Head Dragon Instructor