Rainbow Glitz clutch AmaSin, 2.14.23 by Shard last updated 6.1.24

This Clutch (3.27.23)

Teal Rainbow Enetsipith (m) (Shard)
Black Rainbow Orodrelth (Ktrenal)
Pernbow White Igioddixith (Ty)
Rainbow-Striped White Elementh (Phe)
White-Striped Rainbow Apadynnith (Dragonflight)
Glitter Rainbow Ataroyvith (Bug)
Black Opal Gold Ibitauneth (Trix)
Iridescent Oilslick F Ulurovzeth (Dray)
Rainbow Aura Ojozaybleth (Molly)
Teal Spectrum Osowifith (Retta)
Dragonfruit Sparkle Erenicuth (Mystic)
Red Yellow Spectrum Idipoesanth (Jkat)
Dawn Rays Everstath (Kitsu)
Sunset Sparkle Evecorth (Nomi)
Molten Gold Urunedeth (Naeodin)
Pumpkin Patch Anachinth (Birdie)

** Pern-Heavy ** (2.19.23)
Bronze Glitz Cerogoth (Phe)
Blue Glitz M Muxidith (Dray)
Green Intense Glitz Tanuruth (DragonFlight)
Red-Brown Glitz Skoloth (Bug)
Green Black Glitz Sateleth (Ty)
Verdigris Glitz Dibimith (Ty)
Verdigris Glitz Midibith (Shard)
Gold Intense Glitz Sumokoth (Ktrenal)
Golden Glitz Jytirith (Phe)
Bronze Glitz Trakeveth (Ty)
Yellow Green Glitz Karikith (Trix)
Dark Purple Glitz Plekuzuth (Trix)
Ice Blue Glitz Cuuadath (Ktrenal)
Earth Brown Glitz Brewynyth (Ktrenal)
Purple Glitz Trobeleth (Molly)
Green Blue Glitz Rilfereth (Dray)
Deep Brown Glitz Nixajath (Dragonflight)
Bright Bronze Glitz (m) Dretamath(Shard)
Supercopper Glitz (m) Wredinith (Shard)
Night Blue Glitz Dylokoth (Retta)
Intense Blue Glitz Scefeleth (Dragonmage)
Bright Yellow Bronze Burneyeth (Dragonmage)
Screen Bronze Wayautitith (Bug)
Blue Frost Glitz Tespeseth (Ty)
Black Glitz Sagalath (Shard)
Bright Green Glitz Rithabath (Kitsu)
Orange Bronze Glitz Tangereenth (Jkat)
Bronze Glitz Tumyjahath (Nomi)
Green Glitz Fewimith (Nomi)
Burn Red Bronze Glitz Keusifith (Naeodin)
Gold Glitz Oxoribath (Birdie)
White Glitz Neneneth (Shard)

Gold Kalyantith
Bronze Neith

(Shard's demo-keeper also found at Bunyi's page)

Offspring Traits
Breed Mutt: Iulerbrilan+Prismbeast
Size from 13-16' at shoulder, not small! 1:4.5:5 shoulder/length/wingspan ratio
Build a muscular, even build with long hind legs, conditionally bipedal

Velvety Skin with tufts of longer fur
Four legs, paw hind, visible claws fore, pawpads on all
Two leathery wings with 3 visible vingers, wrist nub, no claws; note that the offspring are flighted, with full sized webbing, though they may not be particularly strong at it
Long dished muzzle, external ear / headknob combo with floof
Varied eye type (pupil or faceted)
Fluffy thick fur mane from forehead to tail tip; fur accents on chest, under backs of limbs, under and over wing arm base, and large tail tuft

Colors All Colors (roygbiv and anything between)
Any 'Traditional' Rank (Iulerbrilan expanded Pernese, so brown, metallics present)
^May also have aura, based on abilities/color scheme
Markings Striped (body, wings, floof)
Gradient (body, wings, floof)
Mottled/Speckled (body, wings, floof)
Pastel (body, wings, floof)
Bold (body, wings, floof)
Mixed (stripe, gradient-stripe, etc)



Genrehop/Nexus Travel
Light Manipulation
Sound to Light Conversion
Color Affinity - may occur with a specific theme to coloration tinting thought/auras
Create Auras
(Assisted) Firebreath - may also combine with creation to produce lasers...
^Pern/Alskyr heavy dragons firebreath is unassisted, though they may require bonds
Bond Not Required; ^Enjoyed; ^May Multibond
Naming [name]-th Auradance