Name: Ares

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~20, aged, born 2021

Origin: Repurposed Earth AAEC, stored

Family: Mother Cybil, father Ruben, half brother Fulton, somewhat-cousins Lexie and Marcus, half sister Aletheia

Other: though spliced, he was born from his donor mother, and raised by both parents

Height: 5'8", looks more intimidating than this though

Weight: 135* Icarus significantly lowered his weight, and increased reflexes and muscularity

Hair: bright orange-tan, woolier than shown but not tight kinks, kept pretty short

Eyes: yellowish hazel green, not particularly vibrant unless he's using powers, where they will become almost lime-laced yellow, under strong brows

Appearance: tan skinned with a bit of a red tint, has more of his mother's facial features, but his dad's build for sure. Likes having layered outfits and some amount of flexibility, so loose pants and good gripping gloves. Voice is a bit scratchy, somewhat harsh. He has a girded, ready-for-action posture most of the time, it's easy to get worn out just by watching him walk down the hall.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3, and was aged in the process to around 9. Still required a lot of training so it was best to let him have the strength to do so, but with enough time to learn. This process reduced his weight and strengthened bones quite a bit, but also as above increased reflexes and speed a bit, he's about 2x stronger than a normal person, but around 3x faster in all ways, and has unerring aim even without his Vortal power. This also dramatically increased his resistance to injury via elemental sources - so he rarely takes any damage from fire, electricity, acids, or cold. Any damage from other types such as falls, cuts, and punctures will heal around 2x faster than typical, but those taken from elements heal virtually instantly.

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls Elf-Boy

Genetic Abilities: gifted with a broad psychic suite with a modest empathic ability, within 15 meters at most, and can be overwhelmed by very strong emotions on Vortal minds. His telepathy is somewhat stunted, but good in a pinch for close range, within 25 meters for clear communication, and around 50 all he can manage is a ping. However, all of this is secondary to his main abilities with telekinetic agitation. He can lift as much with his mind as with his muscles, provided he can see it, which can be at a remarkable distance. The aura sensing he uses not only with his eyes, but through objects. This vision is more instinctive and less 'visual' on mundane items, but if it's something he's working with, he can 'sense' auras of shaped or Vortally manipulated items quite easily near that item. With his range on telekinesis can expand that vision to nearly 10 miles at a shot using some of his custom-developed bullets and arrows. His closer range telekinetic energy is devoted to fine tuning aimed items, such as that boomerang, with which he can literally bend bullet paths and explode bombs remotely. While his dad can ignite the air around items, he can actually burn those items straight up by causing their molecules to move. Anything that he picks up with his TK does get a little warm, so things which might melt should be avoided. Like his dad he can shoot things at tremendous speeds, but he has concentrated on how things move with just a nudge rather than brute forcing them with his power. Getting a bullet into the air is quick with a gun, once it's moving however, he will ricochet it a dozen times into the eyeball of a Combine soldier in the middle of a maze-like locker room, from outside the building. As long as he knows the path is clear, which he can determine by just feeling around with small items in range, he can 'watch' through the bullet itself. Given his name, Ares has also started working on buffing up and using actual melee weapons - axes, swords, spears - and boosting his muscularity with a strong dose of telekinetics. You don't want to be in the way of him waving a sledge hammer around.
Skills or Profession: Ares was given more than enough skill downloads to live up to his name. He is adept with most physical survival skills, exploration and navigation, and all manner of weapons. He likes only the physics and engineering side of his scientific instructions, and uses them to the point of perfection. He does have some unusual and clever ways of getting through an area- both with or without leaving a trail of destruction behind him.
Personality: Honestly he would have been bored out of his mind if he'd remained on Repurposed Earth, here at least he gets to throw his power and weight around like a professional god of War. That's not saying he doesn't have his sensitive side: he is very protective and will butt into conversations that seem abusive to clear the air. Having a dragon like Flamekeeper is not a challenge to him, it's an affirmation.

Events or History: Though his parents did worry a bit about keeping him stored for a few years, it turned out for the best. Once people were settled properly, once things were more routine even in the face of the Combine invasion, it was safer to start raising those little ones. Ares knows that his older brother Fulton is the 'first of the Pantheon', and though there's a pretty big difference in their birth ages, they run around together - well, they tend to fly - as if they were twins sometimes. Ares knows better than to question some of the first generation Pantheon, but he does also think some of them are a little soft. Particularly now in the Rookery - only the really strong can help beat this much more awful Combine. Where others might see a bleak landscape of ruins and death, Ares sees potential - yes, battlefields, but also all this ground to cover, all this land to conquer back for Humanity.

He is centered at the Rookery, but will eagerly head out with Flamekeeper to fight wherever they must.


Name: Flamekeeper
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large 13'4" s / 80' l / 112' ws
Colors: under belly from chin to tail tip and behind legs, face armor, dorsal ridges, burnt orange with yellow trim; face, neck, limbs, body, tail extremeely dark red-brown, almost black; dorsal strip and limb armor bright red; dorsal armor normally black-red but always glows either as the top picture 'under' the scale armor, or as the below image shows with a 'vent' sort of flames coming off of them; wingsails grade from vibrant blood-red at edges to brownish at body; horns rust red; claws and face spikes white; eyes blue
Features: Skywing, Firescales (well controlled)
Powers: Winged Flight, obviously with massive wings like his, Flamekeeper is clearly dominant in the air. Good for combat at virtually any altitude, and for hours if not days on end, he can keep flapping and glides when needed, to relax a little. He does enjoy flying at night, because burning. He doesn't try to out-pace or catch very fast moving creatures or enemies - eventually they will either reach the destination and fight, or flee with burn marks all over them. He can however absolutely wreck things by hitting them claws-first from a power dive. Though he's clearly big and strong, durable and adept in the air, he cannot be relied upon to carry anything, due to the Firescales condition. That's fine, he knows his job and it's not 'ferryman'.
Communication, he speaks primarily Draconic, and is almost fluent in English, but also likes to sprinkle liberal bits of Vortigese - similarly to how Melissa does - cursing here and there. Who's gonna tell him to stop being such a foul mouth? He and Ares have more of a professional working relationship than a true Vortal bond, but that said, they know they make an incredibly good team, and are hardly ever seen apart.
Flames, Kept, he doesn't consider the Firescales he has to be an 'affliction'. He wears it with ease and gusto, and has a strong idea of how to use it to his advantage. Such as flying at night illuminating his massive wings, looking like a comet about to strike - he actually can be a comet, because that heat isn't just on his spine. He can produce an amazingly hot, and very long-lasting fire breath. Quite classically 'fire breathing dragon' level, immolating things at a hundred meters, bathing entire squads of Combine soldiers in bright hot fire. He doesn't make mistakes with this flame, he must be sure of his target, and gets confirmation from others that it's to be destroyed: nothing survives his fire. Nothing except his rider friend Ares... He has a stable temper, not like that jerk dragon Hellfire, so he doesn't waste his breath on posturing and popularity contests. He is front-line material, and will last an entire combat without hesitation.
Parentage: Unknown Skywings, likely both of them have Firescales at least in their lineage; he is unrelated to those black and red looking Skywings already in the Rookery
Origin: Bought from FurryGamer2003, top by Siivah with MS981 base, bottom by FG2k3 with xTheDragonRebornx base, with added fire fx by Lethe; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Those scales really do just burn like crazy, and anyone else would be mad to approach them. He gives off a major amount of warmth, but won't actually burn any particularly non-flammable items until he goes full burny. Like some of the others around... he and Hellfire don't get along, but then who does?