Name: Ahmos Preston [AHH mus, wise rebirth]

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: 17, aged, 2030

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: Mother Brell, father Max, though not born from her, raised specifically by Max; half sisters Mae, Triss, has 'cousins' among some facilities

Other: Ideally suited to his life in post-apocalyptia, Mel is very keen on utilizing his genetics

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 130* Icarus significantly reduces weight, increased muscularity, and radically improved his durability

Hair: Black, faintly brown tinted in bright sunlight, afro kept pretty short but not shaved, has chinstrap facial hair

Eyes: incredibly bright lime-green, darker toward the pupil, naturally glowing; often looks a bit gruff and irate, but he rarely actually is

Appearance: medium brown skin, has no scars, has a broad nose and thick lips, a deep and grumbly voice, and no he does not wear shoes, why would he? He'd go through them too often. Like some people. Though he is often found in the midst of ruins and rubble, he maintains a very clean appearance, somehow, maybe it's that he doesn't bother sweating, or that he's quite capable of absorbing dust*.

Icarus Processing: Yes, though both parents had it done, he benefits greatly from it physically as most of his powers are geared toward his body. He is nearly indestructable, getting a blood sample from him takes quite a bit of effort because his healing factor is also off the charts. He can take a nuke to the face and just kind of blink, really. He suffers no injuries from anything that must pierce his skin - burns, steam blistering, acid, toxins, cold, anything physically external is just not going to make it through to damage him. He takes breaking bones and some amount of crushing damage but it heals within hours at most. Internally he can withstand gasses, toxic and poison food or liquids, radiation, and smoke or a bit of liquid, though he does have to concentrate to heal up from that. He is slightly faster than normal, about 2.5x, and can run or perform physical exertion for about 4x as long as any normal person. He is about 3x stronger than normal as well.

Image Credits: Rinmaru Post Apoc

Genetic Abilities: He does have a modest set of Empathy, Telepathy, and Vortal Sight, see below. Though many of his physical traits are listed above, he also does have a goodly amount of Vortal power to boot - namely, that he can 'body hop' between organic sources, and quickly recreate his own body from it. If it's got enough mass, or just under/over, he can spot a lump of whatever (cold meat, a dead deer carcass, a houndeye, another human, even a Combine soldier) and forcibly move in. As he's doing this, his own original body will go into a torpor, but it won't die even if it's under water or in a bad situation thanks to his recovery rate. *Note that 'dust' in any given modern and normal setting indoors is primarily made up of human skin cells. Enough of that, and he can and has assembled a body built on nothing but the dust in a room. He does prefer freshly-dead targets, or things that don't have an obvious mind to object - so animals are free game, any human body needs to actually be vacant, though he does absolutely go fuck with Combine soldiers. These bodies become genetically his own, and they remain that way. They aren't gifted with his more or less immortal durability, they can still take plenty of damage, but he doesn't consider them as expendable as that might lead to. He has basically cloned himself, with them, and has brought more than one back home to Melissa in order to get it Icarus treated. And then put into stasis, for later use. Since this is a power and not an inherent physical trait, he does have to expend quite a bit of energy to inhabit and reformat these bodies, so it leaves him a bit weak. His empathic and Vortal senses are a bit stronger than his telepathy, functional at around 250 meters, with the telepathy lagging behind around 100 meters for clear transmission. He can pick up chatter within about 200 meters from strong Vortal minds, and his own is quite distinct according to most - his Vortessence, they claim, is basically a cell going through division, if active. Quite unnerving. Ahmos is able to reformat about one body every month, so he does take care to make them up to standards. Given that he's able to jump between them if they're within about 2 miles of each other, regardless of his other Vortal sensory range, he can station them around a location and keep tabs on anything going on. A slower paced version of how Paxton does it, but he doesn't need down time for that activity, only the actual formatting of flesh. With that in mind, he can sense that flesh, and has attuned his own senses toward 'amounts of the right type', at around 50 meters. He does not have to be able to see the creature, but tries to because it's kind of pointless to show up in a newly made body that is stuck in a crushed air vent or under a building.
Skills or Profession: He will recreate and inhabit those bodies in order to scout, it can be remarkably terrifying to see a headcrab zombie lose its headcrab and rise up after someone's filled it with bullets, though often his first action is to blurt out it's okay I'm with the Rookery. He was given extensive navigation and scouting downloads, and is among the few that have almost entirely Rookery based maps in his head. He has a good amount of emergency medical skill, since he will often be called on to stabilize people in bad situations so they're able to be pulled out. Max has taught him how to best estimate the danger of a location - it won't hurt him, but it absolutely might burn the flesh off a kid he's rescuing if he tries walking back out through a broken gas main.
Personality: Stable and confident, though less talkative than his dad, and far less gregarious than mom. Ahmos does have periods of self-reflection and loathing, because ew? But they are short lived and he usually does hang out with a few close friends rather than going it alone all the time.

Events or History: Spent very little time at 'home' on Repurposed Earth, though his Icarus treatments were done there. Since he was aged a bit his father did help with his training, but there would really be no other way to do it even without being aged. The post-Combine world they come from would not really 'need' him, but this Rookery certainly does.

He and Fracture are centered in the Rookery, though he has stasis pods with bodies set up in basically every location.


Name: Fracture
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (chonky) 10' s / 46' l / 78' ws
Colors: overall a dull gold tan laced with deep reddish brown markings; belly, limbs, tail, horns and spikes are a very pale warm grey fading to the same dark red-brown, belly laced with markings; claws black, eyes medium brown
Features: Pure Mudwing
Powers: Winged Flight, a durable and stable flier with the ability to pull, lift, or carry immense weights for good distances (up to 50 miles at a time) without spilling or dropping anything or anyone. He does require a lot of space to take off and land, but that's part of his charm, because he also has a power dive that will absolutely ruin a spot, and usually that spot is 'the inside of a Combine fort'. He can fly quite high up, turn his head down, and just barrel into a spot without injuring himself - and there is a Vortal component to this.
Communication, he speaks with a clear voice, clearer than you'd think a dragon of this size and bulk would. Draconic, English, Vortigese, and some grumbling Russian and even German here and there, he knows plenty of words for 'get out the way' and 'incoming'. He and Ahmos have a good Vortal bond.
Push Through It, he can certainly do structural damage to things on the ground as well as from the air, gaining speed for him is like a freight train, he will not be able to maneuver very well in this regard, but who cares - where he's going he doesn't need tracks. Where he's going is 'anywhere he damn well puts his head toward'. If a substance is able to be broken - and not just bent or softened - he can and does break it. If they're up in the Borealis' area, he can shoulder his way through 4-foot thick ice, but not necessarily break through a few inches of Combine-made metal, since it tends not to work with shattering and instead must be burned or punctured. On the other hand...
Repairs Are Him, if he wants to not break things, that's also an option. This massive dragon knows both his size and his strength can intimidate as well as destroy things - so if he's in a spot that needs to remain stable like a broken building Ahmos is entering to rescue people from, that building will stay exactly where it is while he's concentrating on it. This might be a strange Vortal alteration of the normal healing mud power that most Mudwings have - he cannot heal flesh, but he can 'fix' or 'sustain' broken inorganic matter such as bricks, concerete, steel, as well as structural wood, bamboo, glass, and the like. He could walk through a (sizeable) china shop and not break one single teacup.
He lacks other powers such as breath weapons or healing.
Parentage: Unknown pure Mudwings, he is the grandsire of Chip, he is Tank's sire, their powers as well as coloration are certainly consistent with this notion. He is not a young dragon, but hardly old.
Origin: Adopted from FurryGamer2003, with lines by MooncrestNecrozma on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Fracture is a kindly dragon, his Mudwing size and damage potential might make for a very scary dragon indeed, so he takes pains to be calm and gentle around Humans. He quite likes them, and he understands that their situation here is just awful.