Name: Rowena Jankowski

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~15, Aged, RY5 (late)

Origin: Twoarthish Rookery with Repurposed/Rookery parents

Family: Mother Indigo, father Redd Jankowski, brother Indred Paveh, uncle Spencer, first 15 Color Guard 'aunties' and by distant extension the Lanes

Other: Spends a good amount of time at Carramba even after schooling is done, highly likely to continue there for dragonry purposes

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 100ish Icarus-like features appear to be innate including physical features, she's very slender and lithe, a lot of people want to feed her because 'she's so skinny' but it isn't skinny, she's just lean and healthy that way

Hair: cornflower blue, thick and straight, styled with upturned ends, kept around shoulders

Eyes: hazel greenish, a pale shade somewhere closer to sage than leaf green, strong eyelashes, under well maintained brows

Appearance: medium skin with freckles and some moles, with full somewhat 'disapproving' lips, and 'she has her daddy's ears doesn't she'; has a husky voice, and a big vocabulary; wears the Icarus outfit anyway, with accessories, and no socks under those big boots

Icarus Processing: None necessary, as her mother was created in a lab, and dad's treatments went well. The combination seems to allow the effects to be there, even without processing. She did however have skill downloads and was aged from a toddler into a tween in order to fully exploit their presence in Carramba


Image Credits: / RetroGroovy

Genetic Abilities: As both of her parents are quite strongly Vortal with communication and sensing, her abilities fall in line with that. Rowena would likely be adept with commanding clones, herself, but doesn't really want that kind of complication, because regular people fall in line around her just fine. She can sense Vortal auras from 50 meters, and clear empathic input starts around 20 meters and is very strong. However, she is a remarkably strong telepath to both Vortal minds and normal people alike, able to communicate with anyone in her genetic line (that is saying a lot) at up to 100 miles distance, and she can sense those individuals at up to 500 miles. Her skills are in nudging, suggestions, and outright commands however, and even Vortal minds can only barely resist her if she really needs them to do something. She's exceptionally good at pep rallies (though... she never looks very peppy herself) and can get a crowd whipped up with a combination of empathic and telepathic commands, generally under 30 meters away and under 40 people, but frankly she's normally dealing with school kids, so if they are already in sync with one another and goal-oriented already, the distance as well as quantity of people swayed increases up to 100 meters away and over 200 people with ease. She'd be great at parades. She can additionally convey information very quickly via these 'thralls', while not quite implanting suggestions and hypnotizing people (like Lane does) she effectively blurts out things at a distance, daisy-chained from one person to the next mentally. This can only be done in short bursts, for very brief communications, 'turn left!' 'incoming!' but it can be sent over ten miles if there are enough minds in a chain less than 100 meters apart along the way. After about a mile, this does peter out, so the quicker the command, and the more densely populated the area is, the easier it is to get this done. She doesn't do it often, because this of all her abilities does wear her out a bit. Normally the telepathic commands of nearby people simply make her heart race, though she doesn't get swept up in other people's emotions easily at all. She can break a sweat at rallies where there are competitions, however, so she likes to be at such competitions in order to practice. She cannot teleport, but she can seemingly 'see where people have been' with it, her Vortal aura sight is quite strong for any powers that are left on or used strongly, repetitively, or in one location frequently.

Skills or Profession: designed for leadership though not necessarily 'political' leading, Rowena is quite capable in large groups, gatherings, and meeting halls. She rarely needs to raise her voice, and relies more on her telepathic abilities, and has been given downloads for psychology, sociology, logistics, and behavior sciences. As such she takes classes for bolstering those features, as well as filling in any gaps. She's still quite young, so 'profession' isn't really present yet, but it's very clear that she's exceptionally good with large groups and events, so she might eventually be relied upon to shuffle people around in the Rookery, but far more likely she'll wait it out on Twoarth - because she really does like having modern plumbing and less grit in the air...

Personality: A touch on the unapproachable side on a one-on-one basis, but she does enjoy the company of a few friends here and there. Because her abilities are so focused on group activites she's often surrounded by people she neither knows nor cares much about, so she does value her alone time as well as having a good sit-down with someone she trusts. She has a very good relationship with her instructors, however, not a teachers-pet situation, but she really does genuinely want to learn from them - and not just the subjects they teach in class. They've got the experience of years - sometimes centuries - of sitting down with students and parents, and that is something she values tremendously.

Events or History: Indigo's second child, only slightly younger than her brother Indred. But because the Rookery had been established by then, and Indigo realized the potential for such crossover work, she dug around in the records for who could best exploit powers that Indred doesn't show specifically. The rugged Redd fit the bill, and while Indred was being Icarus treated and aged, himself, she was busy with her new daughter. Rowena basically went straight from Carramba's childcare rooms as a child to care for, to the roster of those caring for those young kids, when she was aged and 'skilled up' herself. Always a quiet, observant girl, she does sometimes get excited about things, usually the chances to be around dragons and their riders. She admits that the thrill turns a bit scary when she's visited the Rookery proper - because those are serious fighting dragons, and serious troops on the line. Though she doesn't really show how intimidated she is by Paxton, she certainly is, and keeps a fair distance even though she can easily communicate to and through him. Whenever she does that, she claims 'he leaves a weird ashy aftertaste' in her mind, almost like walking through a Vortal cobweb.

After taking one of H'lis's dragonry courses she began a search of her own - she knew she was cut out for dragons, just finding the right one to befriend. On the Rookery, then, near the newly placed 'collection plate' portal (to keep strays from falling into the wrong Combine hands) she met up with Vesper and has gone on to develop quite the rapport with him. They reside among Carramba's students for the time being, and it's very likely that they will remain there on Twoarth to keep things moving smoothly. It is definitely possible she'll become an instructor, but she also wants to get some fully realized professional degrees in sociology and cultural engineering before deciding what subjects she'd be able or willing to teach.


  Rowena Vesper
Smarts 6 4
B/F 5 10
RWP/RWRider 5 6
Luck 3 4
Drive/Fly 1/5 7
Looks 3 4
Cool 3 2
Bonk 3 12
1 Nexus Geohistory/T.Kshau (<-sitting in telepathically)
2 Journalism/Leland Big Game Hunting/Axemurderer
3 Using Telepathy Politely/D'ouberville Comparative Dragon Anatomy (subject) /S.Fili
4 Party Planning/Sean Exotic Team Sports (dragon based)/Staff
5 Dragon Flight Formation Training /Barnes Lightshow Tech/Boreah
6 Advanced Statistics/A.Vale Basic Ice Magic/Wenona
7 Health for N00bs/Virus Theater Tech/Cat'director
8 Advanced Cheerleading/Carson Advanced Cheerleading/Carson


Name: Vesper
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (long+big wing noodle) 13' s / 80' l / 110' and 80' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail end frosty grey; face, limbs, main body steel blue, wing arms fade to black; neck and tail armor fringe graphite; dorsal armor from head to rump and dorsal tail teal blue; limb armor, dorsal spikes, horns, claws, vibrant black; wing sails dorsal side black and blue-graphite fade; neck webbing, tail rudder and tail fins, wing sails underneath frosty warm grey to medium dusty blue at edges, tail fin strongly patterend edges in teal blue; eyes violet
Features: Seraphwing as shown
Powers: Winged Flight, quite clearly a dragon with four huge wings like his will be strong in the air. He absolutely lives up to that, and can fly both quickly and durably. He is a big dragon, though, and requires a good amount of lead time to get off the ground and into a pattern, and once he's up there, also needs space to stretch. Though his body is long and narrow with long legs, his wings are just massive, and because of his length he also requires turn areas that are a bit more than normal. That said, he can keep up with the Big Boys, big bronze Pernese dragons, even some of the Rookery's biggest dragons can be matched by his endurance, though he would never pretend to out-do any of them. He knows his limits, and after all he's at school to learn and not just show off. He can lift a lot, and because of how his wings are situated, anything he begins pulling up will be remarkably stable once they get going, after probably a bit of a lurch here and there to get off the ground. Because he has large spines on his neck it's unlikely to allow people to ride him in that way, as Rowena sits behind his head or along one shoulder hanging on to those spines, but he can carry a bus full of kids without any trouble with a specially made harness, leaving his limbs free to manipulate things and land properly once they get where they're going. Yes, he loves taking classes on field trips!
Communication, Vesper primarily knows English and understands Vortigese with help from his rider. He has exposure to his native Draconic, but since he knows he's not likely to return to the Pyrrhan dimension at all, he hasn't bothered becoming good at it. He speaks with a So-Cal lilt, surprisingly for such a big dragon he sounds like a local already. He lacks other Vortal senses.
Ice Breath, to a limited degree, Vesper is able to chill air with his breath weapon, and he will never be one of those big fighter types spewing ice blocks everywhere. He produces fog and special effects for drama classes, sports events, and half-time shows, laser productions love to have him around so that their lightshows can be seen easily in the faint frosty air. He can breathe a very wide cone of delicate ice particles that will hang in the air depending on the ambient temperature, and he could probably walk through the entire Carramba sports event field (which is equitable to a full sized professional football stadium) carefully laying down these patches without tiring or running out of frost. Depending on the temperature around the area affected, it can last for a full day, or just a few hours, so it's likely that if there is a lot of warm air coming through, or a big event with lots of hot bodies involved, someone else should come through and chill the place down overall, before he does his part - which... well, that's why he's taking classes for it! Team work!
Parentage: Unknown, pure Seraphs
Origin: Adopted from and fan species by LunarSolstice981 with lines by x-Tamara-x on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Vesper was quite young when he found the portal to the Rookery, so he is equitable in many ways to a teenager himself, though he's quite large and physically more or less matured. He takes dragon-centric classes at Carramba, while his friend is busy with her own.