Bisimuu and Burbemi

Name: Bisimuu V'taou K'vekiruun
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 6'5" at head, around 20' long
Colors: a collection of rich velvety greens, darkest at paws and tail/face tips grading to a shiny bright grass; floof similarly dark and tipped in a splash of yellow-green; light claws, light red-violet eyes
Features: Kessonan dragontaur/Y'ughai-dragon mutt, taur shaped with four long slender legs, an upright torso with two arms with long-fingered hands, slender long face with large external ears, mane and neck fluff, lots of fluff along shoulders, backs of limbs, over back, under tail, and tail/wing finger tips; noodle body with two floof covered skeletal wing arms, flightless; two long, slender tails
Powers: Prance - Bisimuu does nothing clumsily, nor does he do anything without a lilt and gaiety in his step. He can walk a tightrope or parkour around a narrow alleyway straight up to the rooftops, and always looks like he knows exactly where his feet are (because he does)
Teleportation -
adept at close range and quick-succession teleports, he can pop like bubbles between one location and another, often somehow managing to get in between people on a packed dance floor, or Right Behind You and seems to never get trampled under party-goers or dancers, nor injure anyone along the way. Can do this within about 50 feet without tiring, numerous times in a minute, or at longer distances up to 500 meters but slower in succession and only a couple times before resting up a little. While he can take his own stuff held in his arms, he cannot transport other living things
Telepathic Speech - You would imagine that anyone this energetic would be talking up a storm, and he does, but not with that velvety muzzle of his. He does occasionally look like he's speaking, but it's pretend, that voice is all in your head, mate. He quite often attempts beer-induced burp-speech but it just ... doesn't go off nearly as well as anyone at this party. :/ Maybe it'll work this time.
Mental Energy
- Mental Projection, Lucid Dreaming, Enter Other Dreams; we know that Bisimuu sleeps, because he shows up in everyone's weird dreams now. This power appears to be quite strong and very wide-ranged, but rather aimless; he just likes having fun and seeing what other people are doing in their sleepytime. With a little training and concentration he might make a good sleep-therapist but he'll have to settle down a bit before that ever happens. On the other hand his Mental Projection ability is quite well focused, since he enjoys announcing things that are going on, or need attention and from stem to stern the Caledrus is always going to know that there's dino-nuggies and steamed hams for lunch today
Invisibility, Stealth- Quite sneaky, very quiet, with an incredibly light step, Bisimuu often simply appears out of nowhere, not merely because he's teleported into the middle of things. Perhaps it's visual, mental, or otherwise, but when he wants to go unseen or unheard, this green shadow simply isn't detected
Shadow Control - Controls existing shadows and Summon Shadows, how else would you go about 'sneaking' in broad daylight? This power is quite strong, and he can cloak himself or others in a 50 meter area around himself as though cast in a shadow, and in fact this is a nice shade from a hot summer sun (though it will not prevent those with exposed skin from getting sunburnt sorry). While also used for mood lighting and dramatic effect, Bisimuu can use this to effectively block out unpleasant things from sight (the barfing guy in the corner, whoops that glass got stepped on, ew did that lizardmorph just lose his tail?) until they're fixed up
Weather and Water Control - Able to summon and control localized weather patterns, drawing fog into the air, clearing smoke out of a room, increasing the humidity and causing breezes. All of these more or less in a very minor capacity, and generally done indoors for effect rather than trying to call a huge stormfront outside. His ability to work with straight up water however is remarkably good, after all he's gonna mix some drinks with it - no no not like watered down, no! But you have to start somewhere, and he can maintain purity levels, monitor the progress of distillation, and even pick out what water came from what world, in case there are people who 'must-have' it; generally this control is exerted at modest range (not more than 100 meters) but he can control a massive volume of it within that range
Summon Rainbow- not merely the after effect of him trying to whip up a little gentle shower on a sunny day, he can actively cause visible-light to appear in a bright rainbow ribbon. He uses this to guide lost folks or make sure everyone's in the right place, "if you can see the rainbow you're on our tour!"
Parentage: Vekiruun N'suulian and Kotonok R'taou
Origin: Alveary, out of magic, by Phe 2023
Other Info: Bisimuu is the party-starter, the advertiser of all things fun and bright, and the bartender on the Caledrus' more loud-and-proud nightclub. He will enjoy doing any number of jobs on this ship, including taking newcomers or visitors on tour, making sure that folks are entertained well into the night, and even giving a shoulder to cry on if things are slow in the club. Where he learned how to mix drinks as well as he does is anyone's guess, but he certainly has an adept hand at it. He will also go offworld frequently, checking up on other clubs and events, scoping out potential bookings for performers, new drinks, and schmoozing with other travelers taking plenty of selfies. He is an entertaining type, but not so invasive that he will get on your nerves: he is the 'pot of gold' at the end of a rainbow, if gold were green, and had fur

Name: Burbemi Kosmochlor
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small 8'2" s / 28' l / 60' ws
Colors: body base mottled black and graphite grey under vibrant neon green markings; talons grey, claws dark; wings marked neon green over black, graphite, and grey, with turquoise and teal tints and accents also found on tail and mane; eyes turquoise
Features: Anzu - gryphon-adjacent, four legs with 4-taloned feet; two large feathered wings with very long frills; head has large external ears, leather nose, whiskers; feather crest on head and neck, chest, rump; body fur; tail is semi-feline with added paired feather frills; can breed with dragons/others; social, bond or sponsor, multibond or multisponsor
Powers: Winged Flight - graceful but not gifted with endurance, Burbemi can weave among other moving and flying creatures with ease, delicately avoiding hitting anything even with the long trailing plumage. She does tend to then grasp onto a tree or ledge, able to stick to almost sheer rock faces or the inner dome's surface using her telekinesis, to rest up a little between romps. She can carry items in her forepaws easily, and is able to deliver drinks on a large tray wherever they need to be, without spilling a drop!
Teleportation - unlike her companion, Burbemi can teleport herself and anything that is nearby with concentration. She doesn't use this haphazardly, must know where she's going, and usually announces 'heading to the third deck' or 'anyone going to the surface needs to gather for transport' before going anywhere. Her range is stunning, she can teleport locally up to 2000 miles, so 'to the surface' from a high orbit isn't out of the question at all! She has been paying close attention to the Caledrus' Improbability Drive, from which she seems to gather enough locational hints that she can estimate where they'll be winding up. She still prefers to know where she's going though, rather than guess, and wind up somewhere entirely wrong...
Telepathy - smooth and surprisingly stable mental voice, Burbemi's mind feels like touching cool, slick stone fresh from a summer rain. Her telepathic range can include the entire Flight Dome, but not the whole 6x14km ship. Preferring one on one communication, she can still group-sense and knows which person gets what drink easily
Telekinesis - this is her strongest power for sure, it aids in her agility and flight pathing, as well as keeping every drop of those drinks in their glasses for the duration of their trips around the ship. Burbemi can heft her entire weight (don't even guess a girl's weight) in addition to herself, though generally keeps the power working on small items in large quantity. She can pick up those items as long as they're 'not nailed down', so she can remove the broken glass if someone has dropped and shattered one, but not necessarily the liquid that was in the glass now on the floor. She can sense through this power but only marginally, enough to manipulate pieces and go by their texture and heft, as she can tell their balance or stability by how they lift
Wind Control and Storm Summoning - though indoors even within the Dome this is possible, she much prefers to cut loose while in the upper atmosphere of a world they're visiting. If there is even a little bit of pressure and atmosphere to be manipulated, Burbemi can mix and match it to her liking, and only while doing this magic is she able to soar and do stunts on a large scale for any length of time. She can use this magic almost without effort, her flight is all but a side effect! Sustained breezes and directed wind help with rescues and distribution of gear, as air drops are common for the landing parties, and she usually nullifies any bad weather as much as she can so that those folks have an easier time of it on the ground. Burbemi is able to cancel out very bad stiff winds or currents, and lessens the effects of harsh rain or sleet
Water Breath and Control - able to suspend a large volume of water and shape it into things, she can take rain as it falls, and move it to where it's needed more, or funnel it into a single gout. She doesn't tend to actually 'breathe a gout of water', more that if there's enough moisture to work with around her at the time, she can use her head's direction to focus it. A 2-foot wide stream of water can hit a target up to 200 meters away, but also drench things on the path between as it drops. She can create drizzle and fog, and even to an extent control steam or vapors, though with less effect, best used within 20 meters for those vapors and gasses. She does not typically try controlling or shaping ice, solids usually elude her ability
Lightning Breath - only while she is up in the air and already manipulating a stormfront, she can call lightning and focus it through herself. This is more useful to draw attention than impact the ground, since she would never want to harm landing parties or those local to an area! She shoots a brilliant turquoise bolt across the clouds, or below them, or even straight up as a beacon, and can repeat this several times in a minute but after that needs time to recuperate and let her fur and feathers settle down a bit
Fire Breath and Control - she has this ability but doesn't use them, they may pass to offspring if she has any, however
Parentage: none known, unrelated to others
Origin: Spectral Wilds Anzu giveaway December 2023 by Ktrenal
Other Info: Name is taken from stone that comes from meteors
Burbemi's attention was taken by the presence of a bunch of dragons and people, hanging in the sky improbably, in a huge ship that arrived after a strange meteor shower. She knew that other things were afoot, she'd seen several of her kind tilt their heads, listening to whatever otherworldly voices they heard, and vanish in their own directions. This one seemed to call her! Burbemi is of excellent use in a number of ways on the Caledrus. She aids Bisimuu with delivering drinks and goods across the ship, for one thing, but she also loves to see new places, so when the ship is delivering gear, dropping packages off, or exploring, she is right there with the landing parties. Though she tends to not actually 'land', she may allow someone to use her as a cartography aide, getting readings from the skies and then being delivered back to the ship, or down to a research camp. She isn't as frivolous as her partner in drinks, but then he's not actually frivolous either, he's quite the professional barkeep!