Freshmen go Halloweening!

Dasmalenra Halloween Egg Event


Everyone was exhausted, but there was one more surprise left to come to the group of students. The witching hour had yet to arrive even though they were quite tired, and within half an hour they all had a massive sugar rush going anyway.

And then this flitter arrived. Perhaps it was one of the parents doing, but she landed on the table in the middle of all the bags of candy and goodies, soda cans and wrappers.

"You've got to come! It's almost time, I got so lost, and I'm late, and now I hope you can make it in time! Oh hurry!"

She fluttered from one student to the next, and they all got to their feet in short order.

"Where to? I mean... are we supposed to go out again? It's pretty late," Sharon said.

"It's all right," Daw announced, "I think my folks have it covered."

Celeste and Alexia tittered to one another and grabbed their costume accessories which had come loose during the candy feasting. Freddy nudged Valentine and they got ready.

"Well, where are we going, and how are we getting there?" Asked the doubtful Valentine. It's eternal air of uncertainty kept the rest of the kids always on their toes and always more positive. Sharon intervened.

"Doesn't matter, let's just go. We're up, the flits are asleep, the folks are asleep, no one'll know!"

The fancy fire-colored flitter that had come to announce their immediate departure had woven a complicated web of fine fiery lines in the air, probably by all of her floating through it nervously. But what that did was create a temporary portal to... Lantessama Isle!

The kids, all still in their costumes and with the faint sense of stomach-aches that would follow the candy feasting, stepped through to the foreign planet's night air.

"It's pretty here," Alexina said. "I like it!"

"Well we can't stay, I mean... why are we here, what are we about to be late for anyway?" Celeste asked as the flitter urged them on.

"Oh, the hatching of course!" She said.

"Well we just had our flitters hatch, I don't know what's-" Freddy started to say but then he realized that this little greeter flit meant dragons eggs were hatching. There were dragons everywhere! Big ones, small ones, glowing ones, butterfly-winged ones... They were all pretty, very cool, sleek things. A lot of people in the gathering where they arrived were also wearing costumes, it was pretty fancy!

"It's a ball," the flitter gasped, "and you're almost almost almost late - but I got you here on time. I did. Now. Go! Beeeee... at the ball!" She finally fell to the floor apparently exhausted, her little tail fluttering and waving them on.

Now what? Who knew! But they were up for it, even if they'd crash from their sugar high pretty soon...


Moving colours were all around like the cavern had been turned into a giant living painting.
First of the dragons to finally settle down, was a little Vodka female. The white striped female latched on to Alexia, a highschooler dressed as a queen and soon chittered a fellow tomato cocktail dragoness down. The two of them formed, quite appropriately, a Bloody Mary.
"They say their names are Glaze and Saus!" Alexia called out excitedly before her happiness was pushed back to the sidelines by another dragon impressing.


The next to bond was a dry-looking earth winged male. Moving awkwardly, trying to balance his seed-shaped wings and still keep standing upright, the dragon finally moved toward Sharon. Taking a moment to look her into the eye, the Earth finally nodded and then stated simply: "Tane."


In the middle of the cavern, Two dragons had gotten caught up in each other. Earth-Eastern Runner Ha had gotten his leaf-like wispy extension caught in the elaborate thin body of Air Serpent Ike. Both males were fighting to get loose, pulling and tugging. They took their time, but finally both of them broke free with minimal damage. Knocking past a few eggs that wobbled, but didn't shatter, the two made their way to the candidates.
Ha, having a very large body for a runner, turned to Purpura Cerex for whom he bowed elaborately and then started to recite a poem. Turning bright read, the voodoo costume did not help to make him look one bit cooler than he actually felt.
Ike looked on for a while, baffled by the display before he slithered to Daw Dupree and said:
"Isn't that the stupidest thing you ever saw? Poetry?! bleh."

Next to the two of them, another of the highschoolers from Carramba high was standing. Freddy, who had dressed up as a wolf was busy getting seriously bored with all the dragons going past him, but his boredom wouldn't last long. Four cocktail dragons found him interesting enough to sneak a peek under his costume. Shouting, he tried to get the little claws away from his bare skin, managing to not only catch all four of them, but also impress them at the same time. As he looked in their eyes one after one, he heard they say their names in his mind. the white female alcohol was Elise, the bright yellow Lemon male was Gabe, the Coconut female was called Astrid and lastly, the brown Pineapple male dubbed himself Filip.


Another two eggs hatched and a blue Water runner female stood side by side with a large Air winged male. They looked at each other for a moment, inwardly conversing which way they'd go. Finally the female broke eyecontact first. She stepped lightly, her muscles aching to run, toward one of the Caramba Highschoolers, Celeste.
"I'm Sui." she said, "Could I be a predator?"
"Err... maybe not..." Celeste said, trying to be tactful.


Only one of the Caramba Highschool students hadn't bonded yet. And that wasn't to Valentine's liking. Tapping its feet in an irritated fashion, its friends knew better than to approach hir any time soon. Yet, other creatures were not so knowing. Three cocktail dragons popped up from a nearby table. The leader was definitely a bright red Cherry female. The other two, a female Malibu alcohol and a male Lime followed closely as the Cherry, Kerze, launched an assault on hir antlers.
"Quit it!" Valentine called out to no avail, "Stop it Kerze, Sena, Sugij! What are you doing?"






Valentine Sierra - reindeer

Halloween flit Vampire

Cocktail Dragons - Cherry Malibu

Cherry Female Kerze

Malibu Female Sena

Lime Male Sugij


Daw duPree - snake (tamer? no, snake!)

Halloween flit Dusky

Dragon name: Ike (pond)

gender: male

size: large

bond: Daw Dupree

personality: Ike enjoys going out into town, just hanging around doing his thing. His other hobbies include looking in the mirror, looking for accessories and dressing up.

distinguishing feature: the length of his body and his pirate-esque mask that covers only one eye.

favourite place: pond

power: Control over Wind Currents (to float with his long flippers, they're enough even if they're small since he's very light)


Sharon Montgomery - 'bad boy' like all the girls like ...

Halloween flit Gobblin

Dragon name: Tane (seed)

gender: male

size: medium

bond: Sharon

personality: Tane is what people call deadpan. he has no sense of humor and lives life carefully planning his actions. He's very inflexible and will often be called a control freak (or nuts!, which, in fact he is :p)

distinguishing feature: his mask that closely resembles a helmet. Tane always looks like he's going off to battle.

favourite place: anywhere as long as the season's Fall

power: Ration, Hibernate


Alexia Xartanian - princess. yup.

Halloween flit ... Princess. Yup.

Cocktail Dragons - Bloody Mary!

Male Vodka Glaze

Female Tomato Saus


Freddy Grimaldi - and it was - a WOOOOLF!

Halloween flit Sneaker

Cocktail Dragons - Royal Chi Chi

Gin Female Elise

Lemon Male Gabe

Coconut Female Astrid

Pineapple Male Filip


Celeste Roman - fox grrl

Halloween flit Punkin

Dragon name: Sui (water)

gender: female

size: medium

bond: Celeste

personality: cool and hard-working, Sui lives for whatever task she is given. She's very serious (sometimes too serious) and can't take too many detours before she derails. She's the kind of dragon that needs support at the right times but is great at all others.

distinguishing feature: lots of fins!

favourite place: the (gym) pool

power: Dissolve (herself or small quantities of foreign objects)