Yimeo Inavito


Name Yimeo Inavito (YIM ee oh ee nah VEE toh)

Female / Shifts to male over the course of a full year and back, starting at puberty, though normally shows both masculine and feminine breast areas (normal for father's species apparently); typically she/her, but also answers to they, him, 'the otter', 'did you eat my homework' and other such titles

Homeworld Twoarth, of multiple-world parentage
Class Freshman, they have 20kks
Nut Not! Leave that for mom and dad
Species Their totem is the Spider, the 'itsy bitsy' totem. Lots of limbs, so it won't have much to lose.
+2 S/GM, +3 Bod, -1 RWP, +1 Luck, +2 Drive, -2 Looks, -1 Cool, -1 Bonk, +8 extra KK's. bonuses / changes taken into account below
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 7 ^^ 12
Luck 2
Drive 2 (6 Navigate)
Looks 3
Cool 4
Bonk 3

Omnivore - while this is certainly a feature of naturally-occurring otters as well as their dad's species, this kid definitely took it to a high art. They have their other powers below probably due to having eaten an Electronic Thumb when a toddler... Oh wait they also consumed an actual copy of the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, chewed on mom's Joo-Jantas, sucked on half a cabinet of Towels (with whatever substances were found on them being spicy or bolstering immunity, etc), and found a Babel Fish (well it snuck into their ear, it's safe... for now)

Aquatic Adaptation - With an otter and an amorphous alien as parents, it's no stretch at all that Yimeo is capable of residing almost full-time in the water. Though they don't actually 'live' in the water! Swimming and diving, deep exploration or even jet-skiing all come so naturally to them that it's like they don't even notice when they're wet or dry. When needed, Yimeo will bip off to another dimension, and return with gills or sensory adaptations for special cases

Reality Shifting - the character can move from one dimension or universe into another, even fictional universes, and can optionally choose to blend in with the 'locals' or retain their current appearance; even in normal form, Yimeo is able to understand what is being said around them, though unless they also have a Babel Fish the locals won't necessarily grasp Yimeo's speech (note that whatever is attached to Yimeo's person, like that Babel Fish, will not only come with but remain fully functional in whatever form they've changed into)

^^Hyperstat - pick a stat (S/Gm, Luck, etc) and add +5 to it permanently, no matter how high that makes it - their nimbleness and agility are very, very well known around town. No matter where they are or what configuration their limbs become, Yimeo is always the first to react and the last one hit by a dodgeball in PE. There's no getting around it - Yimeo slips around like mercury and is precise like a hummingbird when wanting to be!

*A Natural Born Talent - you've got a Cluster of skills (or 2 related Skills) at +3 and can buy more related Skills at half (1kk each). Ready For Anything! This is due to the ingestion of the Guide, but that does mean that some of these skills are either heavily flawed until fixed and practiced correctly, or so niche that they're hardly necessary. The flawed ones are more or less due to the 'publicly edited' nature of the Guide's format - 'oh this entry was updated, why? it said what?'

Clusters 6

*Natural Explorer At Heart +4 Like mom and definitely like dad, Yimeo is extremely good at exploring. Noticing all the details of the location at a glance, making sure that they've got the right fit for the local lifeforms, or just getting out of there quickly due to being inhospitable or dangerous. Where they lead, it's often both safe and fun to follow, they won't lead anyone into those dangers willingly, but it does sometimes happen accidentally. This does include a lot more in the way of navigation memory, so their pathing is superb, but sometimes they forget that not everyone can grip walls and climb trees, or slip into rivers and move underwater

*Specific Danger Assessment +3 Sometimes moving from one dimension to another is pretty freaking scary. Having learned from a very early age how to avoid getting hurt and the clues of what they see on entry using their exploration skills, all it really ever takes is a glance. This skill also applies to people or moods of groups, to avoid That Racist Asshole at a party, or find just the right clump of students to chill with at the rally

Skills 18

Physically Adept +3 With all those arms and a big balancing tail, Yimeo is certainly built for movement and manipulation. Able to do that climbing, swimming, gripping, digging, you name it, if it's part of getting from point a to point b or holding on to something while doing something actively, it will be done with style

Passive Research +3 Collects information from lots of sources before making big decisions, Yimeo does diligent book-reading and video-watching and consults experts rather than arbitrarily jumping in feet-first to things like mom and dad. This does lead to their mom thinking they're a bit of a fuddy duddy, but it's also going to land Yimeo a very good pile of research grants and university experience!

Friend Of All The Critters +3 If there's a chance that Yimeo can pet the dog, no matter what constitutes a 'dog' on any planet or dimension, they will do it and the 'dog' will love it. They're a regular Disney Princess when it comes to wild and non-domesticated creatures, and though there are still animals that won't approach, they also won't attack

Knacks 4

*Wait You're Allergic To That +3 Doesn't apply to Yimeo of course, but their friends? You can't eat this thing it's definitely toxic to your species! When making group dinners or snacks for class, Yimeo takes into account other people's needs and though they can't guarantee no cross-contamination, they do make the effort to keep everyone happy and healthy, even if they're out on a nature hike

Gets Away With No Clothes +3 Look, the fur is covering everything properly! And gets all mussy! Yes I KNOW mom wears stuff but dad doesn't, unless it's a party or he's going into space...

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Interdimensional Surfing (Surfing, on other dimensions or TO others?!) / Dude / Superb
2 Non-Human Culture / Noah / Superb
3 Netiquette / Charybdis / Superb
4 It's Astronomical! / Saiintenella / Decent
5 Local Galactic History / Argle / Excellent
6 Allergies Are Everywhere / Virus / Superb
7 Exotic Diets And Cooking / L.Sidki-Sanger / Decent
8 Contemporary Intergalactic Hitch Hiking / Awesomesauce / Superb
Pets None yet

Mother local Otter kin
Father from Ursa Minor Beta - the home of MegaDodo Publications, who has multiple limbs and a long tail, little ears, and is furry in brilliant colors, very similar to the above Yimeo, though he is actively able to shapeshift to subdue the impact he has on locals

mom in her hitch hiking days, including joo-janta peril sensitive sunglasses and an electronic thumb necklace

Siblings? Probably, not old enough to attend yet? (also hell no I'm not making more of those markings)
Image From Yimeo mixed lineart from Samalamb-bases, mom by Lady-Artblock on deviantart
Other Info Yimeo is surprised to have been selected for a dragonry visit! But then, half her instructors are riders, apparently, and all of them thought it would be appropriate!

Original description and notes:
This Real Weirdie teen is a gender-switcher (starts as a girl and changes when nighttime occurs) who is Not a nut. From ?? They're Real Weird. They have two legs, two arms, a fish-bowl breathing aparatus on their head, a furry, sleek body, amazing squatness. You're never going to mistake this for Human. >> are they just an otter or seal? like, a space otter? -- maybe they're the kid of the otter hippie girl I am adopting, with an offworld dad?! oh my god she's wearing a pair of joo janta peril sensitive sunglasses.
They live off campus, in a place where their species gathers frequently. They're a member of the Trunks Fans.



Parentage: CWERTY's
Origin: Lantessama clutch
Other Info: