
Name Winternight


Homeworld Equestria - magical land of friendship and ponies. A Windigo, a chill winter spirit pony, icy white and blue; though these creatures usually are neutral- or even chaotic-evil in nature, Winternight is definitely a friend and wants to use her abilities to help with diplomacy and solve problems between people
Class Freshman, they have 20 KnacKudos to spend on skills, knacks and clusters +5 Extra KK's
Nut Feels like a Nut
Totem Dolphin, the 'if we had thumbs we wouldn't need saving' totem, sleek, fun loving, completely at other people's whims. +1 S/GM, +2 Bod, +1 Luck, -2 Drive, +1 Looks, +1 Cool, +1 Bonk (rolled #)
Smarts (4) 5
Bod/Feet (6) 8
RWP 0* *Her parents do not approve of her coming here, but she wanted to get out of that angry house...
Luck (3) 4
Drive 0* *spirit flight 7
Looks (4) 5
Cool (5) 6
Bonk (8) 9* *Winternight is not tangible, so no typical physical threats exist that might harm her, however anyone with weather-shaping, ice or water shaping, or other such powers (whether they're magic or psionic, or even technological) may affect her strongly. Also note that though most Bonk scores this high would indicate a massive creature (up to 8' at the shoulder) she's decidedly still a pony in stature, around 4' at the shoulder

Emotion Storm Spirit - Winternight is a Windigo, a creature of Equestrian lore that not everyone believes actually exist. Normally intangible and invisible, they would appear during times of war, strife, or high emotions, and blanket Equestria in deepest snow, sleet, hail, and gloom. She is definitely not the type who wants to cause trouble, in fact quite the opposite - and she is strong-willed enough to buck the system and her family's desires to come here and learn how to focus these powers and harness them for the good of all instead

Empathic - Winternight's whole species relies on constantly feeling (some say feeding on) the emotions around them. She is not an exception, she's having trouble in her Relaxation class because all of the kids, staff, and instructors at Carramba High can easily be felt by her powers. She's starting to understand why Windigo reside up in the frozen peaks of distant mountains, because being too close to a lot of people all the time does cause some issues. But she is learning how to control what she does with this energy, that's the whole point of her being here! (She will eventually pass that class, but it'll take a lot of effort... which defeats the purpose of a relaxation class...)

Lightning Zap - can fire zappy bolts out of her horn or from clouds; causes Bonk or blindness, but can misfire; this generally occurs only when she herself is feeling very threatened or angry, but she's also not above using it to stop an argument, sucking out the bad emotion and replacing it with surprise or stunned shock

Call/Calm Angry Blizzard - as a spirit of emotional weather, she can tap the emotions around her and manipulate the local weather patterns. If things are angry and tense, a clear warm day can cloud over or start raining; if the mood is high and fun she might be able to dismiss a bad storm or hail and turn it into a sunny day at least nearby. The down side of this is that she is at the whim of the strong emotions around herself at all times, and it can be both exhausting and annoying if there are suddenly snowflakes if the swim team loses a match

Defensive Adaptation - is able to adapt her body to harsh conditions (fire, drowning, etc) and survive it, they are mostly suited to frozen and stormy conditions, so being at sea level and in the moist, warm air of Crescent City, this power is actually getting a workout: they belong in the chilly winter hills; and yes, just because she's a spirit and intangible, doesn't mean she isn't affected by conditions!

Telemove - allows her to move things without touching them, she is a spirit and thus intangible, so most of the things she must touch or lift are done with magic; this extends up to 1 mile for things she knows the location of, or can somehow see (like through a drone camera, or with a telepath guiding them), she can lift objects close to herself as heavy as a small car, but the farther away she attempts to use it, the smaller or more easily lifted by hand it must be. She can 'carry' items in what equates to a spirit-backpack, though this space is not very large, and can only hold, say, school books and some doodads for the day's use

Clusters Weather Shaping +3 she all but can't help doing this, which is why she is in classes. She's learned how to do 'spot snow' or 'teeny little storm cloud' whenever her emotional power detects someone's mood needs a little lifting; and within line of sight, she's able to actively cause winds, ice slicks, hail, soft rain, or clear those things up if briefly; on a larger scale, while flying over the landscape, if there is an overall mood detected (like her ancestors did) she can cast an incredibly large cloud to cover an area, dump rain, sleet, snow, or ice everywhere it touches. The potential for damage with this ability is obvious, and she wants to keep her skills in check

Ice and Cold Skills +4 She does love a good romp through the snow, being 'tangible enough' to kick up flakes, skate on frozen water, and even throw magically-held snowballs; she also knows how to help others bundle up against the conditions, though she herself needs no such thing, so if they're preparing for a field trip in one of her classes, she's the one who makes certain everyone will come home without frostbite or getting drenched

Emotional Control +3 Although Winternight is still learning, she can balance her own emotions against those around her, finding an equal place, a common ground, a balance point that allows her to exert just enough control to stop a fight or even to spark one if needed. This skill is as much empathy as it is control, one without the other means disaster

Aerial Navigation +2 She's not at the whim of winds nor does she have to worry about physical barriers: she floats naturally and uses currents to guide her, even sensing what objects might be in the way of other people based on how the wind bounces around. She can drift through walls and rocks, trees, and thin metals, but things thicker than 1/2" of metal, or very solid materials, and anything magically protected or created, she cannot pass through and has to go around just like anyone else. But she can make her way over or through, around or under virtually any terrain including complex classroom hallways, easily

Knacks Charming and Witty In That Order +3 People listen to her first because she's caught their eye (or mind, or whatever other sense) and then because whatever she has to say makes sense. She can certainly exploit this, being a distraction to jar people away from a bad path, and then easing them into a new one with careful words
Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Demi-Human Cultures / B. Stonefist / Decent
2 Mythological History / Kuumba / Decent
3 Weather Control And Its Implications / Tempest / Superb
4 Fur-Side Studies / Keevok / Decent
5 Advanced Ice Magic / Shelby / Superb
6 Advanced Relaxation Techniques / Neko / ... failing?!
7 Make Your Own Planet / Ninhursag / Superb
8 Betting and Odds / Haital / Passing
Pets ?
Parents? Do storm and anger spirits have parents? Apparently they do? Hers are dangerous spirits indeed, and expected her to learn the 'trade' of storm-emotions, which she is doing - just not for the same reasons, and not to use them the way they would want
Siblings? Probably a few here, it does seem colder whenever kids get into fights; she doesn't know them, they might all be from different herds
Image From Doll Divine Pegasus maker
Other Info When she graduates Carramba she's likely to remain nearby in the local mountains, where Wonder, the magic town, is. This is mostly because it's cooler and gets snow in the fall and winter, and has a beautiful forest, along with plenty of familiar feeling caverns and such for her to build a new life away from her angry family

**She is best at things that exploit her natural abilities, and truly enjoys being able to let loose and create storms in her Make Your Own Planet class. that's probably her favorite class of all, since she can get an idea of all the different elements that go into a finished project - and she and several other students will be presenting their own mini-world in the yearly Final. (They still need a little work on the deserts and tropical plants, but that's not her area of expertise.)

**Winternight understands how ice, snow, sleet, hail, and frost all work but she's enjoying the Ice Magic course as much as the Weather Control class because of how that magic and those effects interact with people, objects, and the world at large. She doesn't need to wave a wand or speak words to cause her own magic to work, but if she's not careful she has to thaw out a student now and again if they all get too excited about learning a new spell.

**She understands that every world is slightly different, and the people and cultures in them vary from world to world let alone from city to rural areas. Her Fur-Side Studies class, and the Demi-Human Culture course have been teaching her a lot about non-Equestria populations. She is of two minds about the Mythological History course - there are after all people on her own world that don't even believe that Windigo exist either! But also, wow those 'wendigo' on many human-centric planets are... ew? Scary!

**Who really needs math, on a world like her home? Well, she's not going to be a merchant or anything, so 'passing' a betting and odds class is as close as she'll get to using mathematics at all. Anything else, she suspects - while she's still quite intelligent - she would fail. She just doesn't have a mind for numbers.

**And then there's Relaxation. It's very hard to somehow filter out all the nearby minds and emotions, for a creature like herself. She's not the only one, there are others even in her own class period, that aren't doing very well with the ideas that professor Neko presents. It's not his teaching - they all admit that it's their own personal issues that are making it hard. She might be the only one among them to actively try and 'beat' her inadequacies to pass the course, while the others might eventually decide that flunking out isn't for them, and change to another course mid-semester. She is frustrated by this issue, but knows consciously that it will be for the best if she sticks it out, and does well enough to prove she understands what is going on. Also definitely why she'll be relocating up to a smaller habitation in the hills, later on.

**It's entirely possible that a dragon of any sort might help her work through her failings, bolster her abilities, or work as a balance point needed to aid her in diplomatic missions. She's looking forward to being up at Lantessama's icy winter realm for sure either way!

** from hatching **

Winternight floated above the sands and the candidates that were milling about with ease and poise. She tried to contain her excitement though chances were that some extra snow or storm would not be noticed anyway. But the gentle windigo did not want to risk causing trouble. She wanted someone to help her control those dangerous powers and watching the reindeer dragons bond, she was hopeful for a little Christmas miracle of her own.

"Did you say Christmas?" a decidedly female and green voice asked excitedly.

"It is the time." Winternight admitted.

"I know but they're all calling it a Winter Festival here. And it's so much more to celebrate!"

"I know,... Kuusi."


They became known for their bright parties and focused attention on lightening spirits and moods. Kuusi's innocent enjoyment of simply bringing a smile to everyone she met has never waned, she does understand that sometimes moods can be bad, but there is always something that can be done to bring a person out of a funk, or bring them the attention they need for longer term care.


Name: Kuusi ("fir tree", Finnish)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: small, 6' s / 25' l / 34' ws
Colors: sap yellow-green body; mane, leg floofs and wing feathers minty-yellow green with bright and darker mottling; wing leading feathers pine green with similar mottling; eyes orange, antlers bone white; glimmering lights in mane and leggings of bright sparkly yellow-green
Features: Reindeer-dragon, four legs with hoof-paws and ankle floof; boxy head with large external ears, swept back multipoint antlers, and a mane from forehead to shoulders; body is low slung and long; long tail ends in large feather fin; feathered wings; light bling
Powers: Winged Flight, Kuusi is adequate in the air, but prefers to race around on the ground and use her wings to boost speed and corner amazingly well. She can also scamper nearly straight up or down sheer structures in this manner, able to save herself from falling just by flying instead
Verbal Speech, Telepathy, Empathy; Her mind is bright and cheerful in tone, crisp and fresh sap scented. She has a good vocabulary and will do a little research about words she doesn't know, in order to use them correctly. Highly empathic, her mood isn't as easily changed as her bond's, and she can use this to detect whether Winternight is getting overtaken by generalized emotions nearby
Plant Growth, on visiting their digs up in Wonder for the summer, Kuusi decided that this would be an ideal spot to start growing a delightful winter garden. In fact the trees in the area around the magical settlement really seem to like her, and will dance and grow or bloom and whither at her command. This provides their home a measure of both beauty and protection from prying eyes. If she doesn't want Winternight to be stressed out, she'll prevent any hikers or explorers from coming too close using thorn brush and lots of sticky sap droppings. But if she's in the mood for a gathering oh the place just lights up with delightful topiary and soft moss ground cover, everything to make a perfect winter dance area even in the middle of summer!
Strobe Illusions, Kuusi can then decorate those trees and any nearby area around 50 meters across with her powers over light. Granting sparkles to every smile, big flashes for booming bass with the music played, and glittering tiny lights over all the trees. This effect looks amazing when Winternight has 'decorated' by dragging the bad-mood weather around and making it behave in their little neck of the woods!
Parentage: Avarelle x Fodyos
Origin: Lantessama Reindeer Festival
Other Info: Kuusi doesn't attend Carramba as a student but she does sit in on several classes -
Period 1 Hedge Mazes, Alibi and Art with Ihrinnah and 8th period Terrain Correction with Nergal - these classes are enjoyable because she can actively help out with growing plants and changing their appearances
Period 4 Party Planning with Goldstem - of course she'd be at a class that a plant-controlling fae teaches! How best to suit a large or small area with different types of trees or shrubs, adding flowers, the smells and colors are equally important!
Period 6 and 7 Crafting For The Thumbless with Kuumba - though she's got hoof paws instead of thumbs there are many ways that she can help work on projects, and enjoys adding little buds and blooms to the art frames and decorative mugs they make

Description:  A stocky green reindeer dragoness with ample lights in her mane and fur. She has slanted antlers and feathery wings. 
Personality: Cheerful and innocent, Kuusi is the embodiment of all things Christmas. 
Powers verbal speech, telepathy/empathy, plant growth, strobe illusions
Bond Winternight