Name: Mary Castillo

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: 30s, unknown DOB

Origin: Rookery Earth, of Portugese descent but lived in Spain most of her life

Family: Unknown, likely deceased, last known alive was a sister who she saw in City 14 before being split up

Other: Part of the Shorepoint group

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 125, very slender and petite, nicely proportioned to her height; though she seems 'little' she's far from fragile and can keep up with most groups on foot

Hair: Dark brown, streaks of grey, straight, to mid-back but usually kept back in a snug bun or done up with adornments for fancy occasions

Eyes: Hazel brown, with quite a bit of grey-blue; close set, always looking for details

Appearance: medium fair skin with freckles and some amount of scarring particularly around hands and legs from scrambling around in the ruins; full lips and a long nose, likes having access to makeup and fancy things, and very cleraly enjoys being fashionable

Genetic Abilities: None known, though she does seem reasonably durable

Icarus Processing: none, would not benefit though doesn't show any negative markers

Image Credits: Valve, unknown Gmodder (combine officials)

Skills or Profession: Though 'profession' is a little loose to describe her skills, Mary is well suited to telling people where to go and how to get things done. She is an administrator at heart, though she doesn't dive into 'management' or 'micromanagement' - she prefers to get people to do what they're good at, in the right place, so they can all survive. She's a touch jealous of Melissa and Caroline, both of whom she feels have a much stronger grip on the people in their care - but then again down in Rapture, the last thing the place embodied was a good leadership structure... Mary is able to sort through files and paperwork like nobody's business, as a child she would pick things up and read them before she could even walk. She reads maps and graphs easily, and that's likely why Topographic Tide is named the way she is. When entering the main bathysphere area or one of the larger 'public' airlocks, Mary is usually there either behind a desk (at the Welcome Center near the medical facilities) or on a set of video screens (anywhere else, also seen scattered around the entire facility), with the ability to communicate directly via intercom. With the right equipment she can guide anyone through the extensive tunnels and hallways of Rapture now just by talking.
Personality: Frank and honest to a fault, but still she's a gentle soul who does want what's best for the world. She does want to be a bit more forceful and with a big dragon like Topo with her that seems more likely as time goes on. She's confident enough on her own that she won't just hide - she finds safety and helps from there, not cowering or somehow 'in need' of rescue like some folks seem to be out there. But also, she's really, really tired of running. Down in Rapture, she's hit her stride and truly enjoys having real civilization around her once more - even if it's in such a weird place, she wants to make this more of a home and less of a 'facility'. As others might arrive she will help get them settled in and enjoy the distractions available, including fashion shows and gambling - both of which she has asserted would be great for morale.
Events or History: She was young when the Resonance Cascade occurred, and a pre-teen when the Combine arrived, so she has largely grown up among ruins, rebellion, and danger. Her family made it into City 14 but both her parents were taken to a work camp and never returned. Her sister Luzi, several years younger, wasn't able to keep up with the group that Mary left with, and she hasn't been seen since - Mary hopes that she's still alive and might some day go looking for her. When Mary met up with some of the others scattering around City 14 and 17, she knew that she needed to help them. Whether this was because she felt they were doing the right thing, or more likely that she had an overwhelming sense that they needed organization, only she knows. Like some she opted to largely remain in the fringes around Shorepoint, helping to guide others on their dangerous journey there. When the Combine started really cracking down on people, she left her station shortly before it was invaded (well, she was told to leave) and met up with Matt and a few others. Together they eventually gathered before the big roust that led the dragons and Rookery to them.


Name: Topographic Tide
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (wide) 12' s / 52' l / 90' ws
Colors: Back and sides, top of face, wing arms, top of tail and fronts of hind legs medium brown; belly from chin to tail tip tan; face, dorsal spines and armor, down neck and fronts of forelegs medium blue-green, with greener along neck and limbs; wing armor grey blue; divider scales on neck and tail sky blue; wingsails and all fins striped mottled hues of tan and blue-green with brighter aqua tiny splatter markings; spots on body and neck, tail and face typically grey-blue but are reflective and color-changing; claws and horns hazard orange; eyes medium green-blue
Features: Mud-Seawing hybrid, mud dominant; broad body with four very sturdy legs having 5 and 4 heavy curved claws; two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, short elbow strut and short wrist thumb all with large curved claws, wrist very heavy; body is heavily armored with thick, wide armor on belly and legs, overlapping scales on back and neck, tail, under neck armor she has gills; prominent armor on wing arms; head is boxy with high nostrils, external ears, broad face, and two short backswept horns; entire back from head to tail tip has thick spines with heavy webbing between each; tail is heavy and suitable for propulsion in water
Powers: Winged Flight and Water Movement, Topo is stronger in the water than the air, but uses her big wings to move a lot faster in the water than with merely her tail, since she lacks webbing between her toes. She can swim at least as fast as whales of the same size, though they tend to outmaneuver her. In the air, however, she is slow but steady, with a very heavy flap and anything needing carrying should hang on to straps or be carried on special harness equipment. Though she can carry quite a bit in the air, it's not for very far distances, and she prefers to hand off any larger weights to Skywings or Nightwings ready to pick them up. Under the water, though, she is still relied upon regularly by virtually everyone in Rapture, to pick those bathyspheres up and move the people within to safe airlocks. She does this with style, and recognizes that they like seeing the sights along the way, so she's quite keen on learning what each passenger likes to see, to custom cater their experience.
Underwater Lifestyle, obviously immune to the pressure and chill temperatures of the ocean, able to breathe under water as well as above it thanks to gills. She is 'well padded', but also likes to hang out next to the geothermal vents and open lava tubes scattered around the ocean floor, using them as 'updrafts' as well as to cook meals needing a special hot immersion treatment. While she can enter the facilities in some spots, she's... honestly almost too big to do that. But she's entirely okay with it, as her life would hardly be as fun if she was cooped up inside.
Breath, though she lacks an actual 'weaponized' breath, Topo can send out sonic booms, shouting to stun prey, or dislodge precarious rocks. She knows better than to do this anywhere near Rapture, of course, but her voice can be heard in the distance if she's hunting even dozens of miles away.
Mud Healing, her Mudwing-centric power allows her to use those wallows of hot silt and mud even down at the bottom of the ocean. Though the 'mud' is more or less sand, she can still submerge herself in it and use it to heal herself as well as other dragons to an extent. Only those found outside Rapture - once she dries out, the power goes with it.
Parentage: Unknown Mudwing mother and Seawing sire, she may have relatives, looking at the color schemes of some others of those breeds in the Rookery.
Origin: Adopted from Furrygamer2003 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Though she's clearly among the biggest of the dragons in this area, Topographic Tide is also among the smartest, enjoying the experiments she can see from the port-holes and domes, and explaining in detail what she wants to help make for both dragon and human-ish kind down there. She wants a new dome, fit for fresh air as well as water, a 'deep sea beach'. But also a larger bathysphere container - something the size that, say, a silkwing or other of the smaller dragons (well, smaller than her) could fit into safely, and be transported around - even to and from the surface - without having to rely on dragons that can teleport. Also she wants to visit Eli Vance's 'bayou home', she's heard about it through the humans and is curious about what the fuss is. She has never been to the Rookery proper: a portal opened directly to the sea nearby, and she spotted other dragons through it, and in she went, never looking back. When she discovered that there was this fun little Human in there, looking for a partner in crime, well, Mary and she get along very well! Oh-Oh! She wants a dragon-sized video monitor! And to be able to film things or transmit from outside! Please? Please!