Name: Constantina 'Constance' Munoz

Gender: Female, hetero

Age/DOB: 25/1999

Origin: Armacham-Aperture Genetic Lab / Repurposed Earth

Family: Twin/Sister (fraternal but full) Graciella, unknown other siblings but highly likely to be present; has children, Chastity with Chandler , and Delilah with Griffin

Other: Is quite gregarious even though she seems a touch unapproachable

Height: 5'5

Weight: 100, small build, not particularly strong

Hair: Dark brown/Black, long, heavy, straight, usually kept in a tail or braids, with bangs

Eyes: medium brown, often glows as shown

Appearance: Tan skin with some moles, prefers more subdued colors (some say so she can jump out at you); she has made most of the clothing that she and her sister wear, along with many others in the Pantheon and later the Mesa at large, but even 'found' clothes look fun and comfortable on her

Genetic Abilities: Emotion control that is very strong but localized to around 25 meters or 30 people (20 Vortal Humans, 5 to 8 Vorts; she can influence Lane); strong empathy up to 250 meters; moderate telepathy of longer distance (up to 500 meters) and always in contact with her sister through a deep Vortal connection similar to Paxton and Geoff among others

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 4 with her sister, strengthened her powers but did little for her physical skill

Image Credits: Doll Divine Sari Maker / tektek

Skills or Profession: Gifted with crowd control ability, Constance had numerous untested downloads for tactical crowd observation as well as political knowledge. Her skills have been honed among the Pantheon, and she almost feels they are cheating if she uses them on normal people because they simply can't resist. Because they needed it, Constance actually has more traditional skills to help clothe and keep people safe and warm, she's learned how to tailor and repair clothing and items.
Personality: As eerie as her sister at times, just likes to sit and stare at someone if she wants to unnerve them. She's silent rather than quiet, and disturbingly calm. Some people have managed to piss her off enough to see that hellion on the inside, and occasionally she does like to get outside and mess things up. She doesn't have her sisters propensity to tantrums, her energy is quite focused.

Events or History: Constance was relied upon to make sure that the youngest children - which she actually was among - kept calm, and now those skills extend to refugees or anyone in need of a good stable emotional flatline. Or, excitement - she knows how to move people into a frenzy as much as calm them from a riot. Because they were like that, many in the Pantheon actually enjoyed helping her practice with this skill so they know and respect her for it. She is relied upon at the Mesa to get refugees ready for their new weird life - with dragons around, panic is frequent, they've been through enough and she wants to keep people relaxed.


Int 65 App 88
Edu 40 Cha 55
Str 90 Soc 50
Hea 90 Agg 70
Agi 95 San 70
Rea 110 Cou 75


Name: Terang Sikani (lucid)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (long) / 9'6' shoulder / 80' long, 80' wingspan
Colors: Ice blue, white feathers, opal markings, white glowbobs
Features: very long and slinky, clawed feet, webbed/bobbed tail, webbed/bobbed neck crest, feathered head wings, combo buttwings x2, leather tail wings x2, antennae, glowbobs, Variant Myrsilk markings/elemental powers
Powers: Elemental Magic (Vortally able to manipulate ice and water to purify it), Spirit Magic (Vortal control and communication, emotion boost), Sonic Control (weak), Dreamwalking (very strong, able to manipulate dreams of any Vortal creature in a 10 mile radius, non-Vortal people have absolutely no way to resist this), Empathy (strong with any in her genes as well as those in her bond's line, and best with Vortal people otherwise), Telepathic communication (strong with bond, weaker with others)
Parentage: Banyak Sikani (zekiran/ferilon/dragon) x Zeronen (myrsilk mutt)
Origin: Zekiran genetic lab
Other Info: Terang is very pleased to be able to help his bond soothe and manipulate people. He knows from experience that some folks are just going to be jumpy or angry at the slightest whim, and thus keeping that under control so they can do their own jobs more efficiently is important to him.