Name: Haniell, 'Annie', 'Carni-ell'

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: RY 9 aged to be around 16 on release from Rapture

Origin: Rookery Earth, Rapture Facility, in conjunction with Medusa

Family: All the ELLs, though they have to admit she's a bit ... different from them, she was created specifically for the Carnies after all

Other: though a bit shy around some folks, once she's in the show ring she loves everyone and performs without a hint of hesitation; she does seem to have eyes for a couple of the local Grounds boys...

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 110ish* Icarus treatment while in vitro gives her much more bodily strength than her size would allow

Hair: black, with brown highlights, a bit wavy, kept long but up in buns and fancy styles

Eyes: medium blue, almond shaped and always smiling

Appearance: tan skin with rosy cheeks and a pert nose, she looks like a young and vibrant version of almost every ELL ever made; she loves to don her performance coat and has a good eye for fashion, though it's not really 'realistic': she'll try recreating outfits from paintings or books, and wants to work with those boys in the textile mill to start creating better and softer cloth; has a strong voice, very different from most of her sisters, and can project well in the big top or from the stage in the Mansion

Genetic Abilities: Matter and Item sensing, unlike many ELLs, though she's still good at mechanical engineering, she is much better at psycometric work. On touching an item that has any amount of metal in it, even tiny filigree or components that are isolated or insulated, she can tell immediately what it does, who made it, who last used or interacted with it, and the like. Also she's incredibly good at estimating weight, balance, composition, and other such things, so she's needed that skill download for elemental information. Any item that she herself has Vortally examined, she can then recognize using her Sight, at about 20 meters, through walls or even solid stone. She always knows how to find her items, and... then she can summon them to her side. A self-actuated portal generator, within that same 20 meter range, if one of her hand-held items is there, she's now holding it. The items must be less than 10 pounds, but beyond that it's anything goes. She keeps stacks of things ready for use, and rearranges them based on what her performance will be. She can only teleport inorganic matter, so she's not going to be summoning tomatoes or small animals, but her juggling tools, staves and canes, that sword she likes to 'swallow', batons, toasters, disabled manhacks... all in her hand. She can teleport about five items every 10 minutes, so she paces herself, and the breaks between her act and others gives her all the time she needs to rest up. Otherwise she can sense her Sisters wherever they are, communicate with them Vortally at about 20 miles, and act 'according to plan' (as an ELL would) within 50 meters.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Inkscribble Regency

Icarus Processing: Yes, among the few ELLs that were made after Rookery contact, this processing is different from that in the Repurposed labs, given that it's also mixed liberally with the Plasmid concoctions that Rhea and Raven are working on. It's likely that some of that is why her powers are fairly specific - teleportation and telekinetics are Plasmids that existed. The processing definitely improved her strength and durability, she's around 3x stronger than normal, and can heal from minor wounds including burns from Poi or stunts within minutes instead of days. Her senses are also very keen, particularly touch and sight. Her abilities with sleight of hand is better than Lena's are, or her dad's were.
Skills or Profession: Though her ELL background gives her a good grasp on mechanical and engineering items, she has taken this to 'item manipulation', able to sense and manipulate any individual pieces such as a tool or gear, and put it together with other things even if they don't belong together. Juggling and ring tossing, feats of agility and accuracy are her domain. She's an incredible baton twirler, more to the point she can use Poi Sticks and ropes, burning or not, and balance in those shoes without issue. She has skill downloads that help her determine composition, metalurgy, electronics and the normal stuff, but also ceramics, clay, chemicals, organic and inorganic chemistry. As a fashion hound, she knows what she likes to see, but isn't particularly the tailor or weaver type - she lets others take care of that angle, she'll wear what is put on her with style. Her sense of balance allows her to tightrope walk while juggling, though she'd rather be doing the stage magic and bright distraction work, than the scary high-wire act.
Personality: Performance is her biggest thrill, and she loves to be seen. But she is quite private otherwise, and does research or practices alone, or with a specific instructor, whenever she can. Her room in the Carnie Caravan Hub is filled with goods and items she's found around town, as well as magazine clippings and her own drawings. She's happy to help out if she can, given that she is still an ELL, but does keep to herself mostly, aside from planning events with the other Carnies. They absolutely accept her as one of 'theirs', and she likes being part of not one but two distinct 'families'.
Events or History: Created for the Carnies, and possibly out of them too, though Melissa doesn't say - it could be Sal, Passion, a few others that share similar physical features. But because they had donated more than just DNA, their very history and skills are represented strongly in Hani, and they love her. She spent very little time adjusting - she was born to this life, and she yearns for a time when they can actually take their carnival back on the road.


Name: U'ishik [ah sheek], Ritual, goes by Ritual now
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 10' s / 35' l / 40' ws
Colors: Red and Red, feathers darker, hide lighter shiny red; black markings, silver-white wingsails; creamy gold flight feathers and muzzle; super white mane, tail, leg feathers; hooves and claws black; eyes vibrant blue; bling in gold and silver with black bands
Features: Holiday deer justice dragon, feather wings with fingers and sails underneath, feathered foreparts and chest, limbs, tail, hind end and head hide; external ears, fused antlers (do not shed), forelimbs have 3 fingers and thumb with claws, hind have sharp split hooves; tail splits into fox-like and tufted spade
Powers: Winged Flight, Ritual is bold and strong at low-altitude flying, and very acrobatic. She can be precise with her flapping, tiptoeing to music while hardly even being on the ground. Her wings hardly make any wind, so she can soar over a crowd under the Big Top and they won't even realize it until she's directly in front of them. She does less in the way of long distance work than many, but she can carry up to four human-sized people or goods easily and with stability. She likes doing so, carrying families from their various houses (when there are inhabitants to move in such a manner around the Grounds) to the performance area. She does love doing that, too, because it allows her to get an idea of who they will be peforming for.
Teleport, Genrehop; When she needs to get anywhere right now, like right - now - she just moves there. No muss, no fuss, just blip here she is. She does fly with people on the way to the performance, but will dot around the Grounds easily and quickly to see who is needing transportation. She does not tire from this teleportation, even with people on board, and has a range of about 100 miles per blip. In her entire life, she's never had to exhaust herself teleporting. Genrehopping on the other hand, is something she must take care with, because it does expend quite a bit of energy. She'd been lost for a while in the Void, and now all but mistrusts her own ability to move between places that are ... not here. With some encouragement she's worked up the skill to port to Xen, or back to the Healing Den proper where she was born, and back to the Grounds. But that's about it, and that's about all she wants to do. She's found a home, she's going to stay here now.
Verbal Communication, Cheer, Musical Assistance; all of her communication skills are a bit rusty, but she has always known her purpose, to make things clear, and to show what's right. Her vocabulary has expanded while in the Rookery, she speaks English, but also now a bit of Vortigese (poorly, she lacks telepathy), and some amount of Spanish and French thanks to locals. Mainly she will exude an aura of happy-come-see and people follow her trail of jingling and musical humming. Her ability to sing is remarkable, and she does jingle with every step thanks to all her bling. But she can quiet the bells when silence is needed, giving just the right dramatic pause before a shivver adds to the performance.
Order Magic; her parents certainly had it in them to be law givers and justice-bringers. She does as well, but she uses this to calm crowds or make sure that everyone is in the right spots backstage - literal order, rank and file, are her domain. People milling about, when she's within about 50 meters, will eventually form up into orderly groups, and it's been noted that anyone who can influence people's behaviors either Empathically or directly controlling them, have a much easier time doing so when she's around.
Shapeshift; though she can change into things, she has not bothered since returning from the Void, and doesn't really want to dwell on it. Maybe if there's another not-quite-all-dragon somewhere near she might try and work out a bipedal form, but she isn't fussed and does not practice this power at all.
Parentage: S'onmul and Liaxeri, with numerous siblings and relatives in the Rookery
Origin: Healing Den Holiday giveaway, This dragon is an AU offshoot now, There was a time when she was ... not there. And now, she is - twice!
Other Info: If there was ever a place that could stand to use some cheering up and color, it would be the Rookery. It's been so long, she's almost forgotten how to do some of her tricks, but Ritual has taken her name to heart, and has started relearning how to deal with crowds, and has found that she just loves it. The best justice is surviving long enough to see your oppressors defeated, right? So... she offers a rousing ovation even if it's to a bunch of stoned hippies and carnival hangers-on, but she does love performing in front of groups just to hear their own cheers.