Name: Lazarus Rook, unlike his sister, his Vortal title is easier on the (human) tongue

Gender: Male, bisexual

Age/DOB: 15ish / 2014

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama

Family: Mother Lynne, father Simon, half sister Taina, numerous other relatives, notably grandson of Alma Wade

Other: tends to keep to himself, takes after his mother a little much

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 140, average build, but tends to be on the padded side

Hair: dark brown-red kinked, usually in very small braids or dredlocks as shown

Eyes: medium brown, a bit of dark-circles

Appearance: pleasantly brown skin with freckles, broad nose, and strikingly good looking, people often ask if he's related to Dante Maleev

Genetic Abilities: extremely long-range telepathy and vortal senses, strong empathy close range; out of body Vortal casting, can send his lih out quite a far ways... including possibly through the Barrier which means he can head to Xen by himself (as the grandson of Alma, this seems quite likely); his body does require attention while he's out this way, which is fine, as Smokey does that just perfectly; Lazarus is thinking perhaps he should become more artsy with his Vortal abilities, and has started working on dream-based puzzles and imagery. Sending these to dreaming folks while he's 'out', gives people something to talk about when they all realize they've had the same dream that night...

Image Credits:

Icarus Processing: None needed, quite powerful, though only Simon was Icarus treated this carries into his own genes, probably expanding his Vortal overall abilities, but not really impacting his body
Skills or Profession: Long distance sensing and scouting, patrols and early warning system. Given a basic education, he loves to read and look at as well as produce art, he's a skilled painter.
Personality: quiet and sometimes a bit sullen and withdrawn, Lazarus isn't nearly as outgoing or charming as his father Simon. He definitely does take after Lynne, he's a bit on the jumpy side, and though he can send his spirit out, almost any little noise or physical sensation will knock him out of it and bring his mind back to his body - just in case it's something important or bad. He is a bit pessimistic, like mom. He is a nice guy though, he prefers a small group of close friends, but he can isolate mentally so groups aren't as stressful as they are to some of his caliber of empathy.
Events or History: Second of Lynne's children, and much closer to her. Though he's not particularly reclusive or shunning the rest of the population, he does prefer quiet places and the safety of his own dorm for any Vortal activity. His father did teach him how to properly exit and return to his body, vitally important for him to not get lost - like Paxton had, back in the day. He honestly prefers the Rookery to their Repurposed world - remnants of Alma are not found on the Rookery, after all, and things are more straight forward and physical. They are used to the ins and outs of the Rookery structure itself, and have helped work on the Dam nearby to get it functional once more.


Name: Smokestack, Smokey
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 11'5" s / 46' l / 70' and 48' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip medium steely grey, limbs including wing arms medium charcoal grey with crimson armor, mid-scales dark grey with crimson dots, back armor medium orange, dorsal neck line orange, wingsails are medium rusty orange with darker grey smoke-like markings that do appear to drift on their own, spiny ridge and face armor markings crimson, horns and claws white, eyes bright green
Features: Nightwing / Hivewing hybrid; four sturdy muscular limbs with 5 and 4 digits having short curved claws, heel claw on hind; four leathery wings, upper large with four visible fingers, elbow strut and prominent wrist thumb all with curved claws, smaller lower wings hive-like with two slender visible fingers, elbow strut and small wrist nub, tiny claws; burly body, scaled with large soft belly plates, large patchy armor on limbs, angular plated armor on neck, body, tail and back, face heavily armored with sharp nose hook and central back-curved horn, external ears, two large elegantly backswept and up-turned horns; neck has long spikes, back and tail have short triangular ridges to tip
Powers: Winged Flight, Smokey is an absolutely master of powerful flight. He doesn't seem to even need to flap all that much to rise into the air, perhaps a feature internally helping him lift. His main wings are of use for strong motion, and his smaller ones exceptional for maneuverability. With his coloration to aid him, he can seem almost like a burning bit of detritus in the air, floating here and there... until diving down onto prey or enemies with a powerful thud. He can carry large or bulky items without problems, though prefers to remain closer to the ground while doing so, to make sure nothing breaks.
Communication, Smokey speaks Draconic in a tone that has both unnerving low-frequency rumbling as well as high-pitched ear-splitting metal on metal screeching. When using English, he tries to keep the tones more even, but if he's excited or angry those overtones creep in. As he is half Nightwing, however, he does have the capability of communicating Vortally with almost anyone, and his mental voice is as gritty, rumbling, or rending-inspired as his verbal one.
Coloration, though not specifically under his control, the smoke-like markings on his wingsails 'drifts' and 'billows' quite a bit like smoke. He can use this to effectively camouflage himself, even at his size, in ruins or even rooftops, particularly in the evening or sunset/sunrise hours.
Heat and Particle Manipulation, as his name implies, Smokey is able to produce heavy smoke rather than true flame, belching out a line of thick, somewhat gritty smoke mostly to deter enemies from entering or seeing an area. This smoke lingers, in still air it can remain pretty much where it was blown for hours, and in light wind only dissipates after about an hour. It's very thick if he wants it to be, and can produce a line around 30 meters long x 1m thick and 3m high at volume, and anything at least 1 meter thick can hardly be seen through visually. It will also cling to surfaces and discolor glass, get into machinery and clog it up, and is almost impossible to breathe through, so any Human or Vort entering it should wear proper face protection and a rebreather. Oddly enough, Lazarus himself doesn't seem at all affected by this feature. A sign of a true bond? The 'heat' portion of this mixture allows Smokey to raise the smoke he produces into the air, or lock it at a specific elevation for a while. With some external aid, he can 'sky write' with it! The heat he produces isn't enough to really damage anything on its own, but does keep him and his nearby friends warm through cold nights. The 'particle' side, however, he can also use to clean air or surfaces of dust, grit, loose rust, or anything else that would come off with a rubbing cloth or dust rag. He uses these particles later, apparently, because when he's cleaned up a spot he often has to go 'take out the trash' afterwards.
Parentage: Unknown Nightwing mother and Hivewing sire, full brother Industrial Rust
Origin: Adopted from Catbreeze212 on Deviantart
Other Info: Though he seems like he should be dangerous by his voice or visage, Smokey is merely very protective of his charge, and any location they have been sent to investigate. Because Lazarus can leave his body behind, Smokey usually remains with it, while Laz's mind explores. If he does have to leave, Smokey will put down a protective grime barrier around the human's form, and leave only when it's clear there will be no enemies or animals to bother him.