Pickup Page for... Kayla

Ngan’gwong Houtalli (silverbright)
Spots/stripes – red-orange, black mks, burning tinsel, red horns, black belly, lt green eyes, burning tinsel wings
7’ f
Cheer, Psionics, Unlimited Shifting, Dream Control, Teleportation
Bubble Breath, Planeshift, Water Majyck, Alter Physical Structure Ice


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Holic [ http://planet-holic.lostmysanity.net/ ]
-- Name : Up to rider, last name must be something "Wintery"
-- Gender : Up to rider
-- Size : Length ranges from 30' to 60'
-- Breed : Winter Dragon
-- Breeding or Naming Restrictions : Names should not end in -TH as these aren't Pernese [obviously] and must have a "Wintery" last name
-- Powers, abilities, natural/unnatural immunities, magic : Wingless flight, telepathy, teleportation, and choose THREE of the following [weather control, invisibility, ice magic, air magic, water magic, size-shifting, shape shifting-ice form, ice-sculpting]
-- Pedigree if any : Wilds
-- Name: (First name up to owner) Gardenjoy
-- Gender: Up to owner
-- Size: Medium-Small (7' at the shoulder)
-- Breed: Fire Mutt
-- Breeding or Naming Restrictions: Can not breed with water-type dragons
-- Abilities:
-Permanent Fire: When the dragon dies, its fire will consume its body and finally go out.
-Fire Immunity: The dragon is immune to most fire.
-Fire Control: The dragon can manipulate its own fire.
-Telepathy: The dragon can communicate mind to mind.
-Verbal Speech: The dragon can speak aloud.
-Elemental Magic: Choose one of the following: Earth, Air or Fire
-- Pedigree if any:
-Father: Yellow Fire Dragon, Yuletide: http://artdragon.mine.nu/~kalyturn/bonds/Chruletyde.htm
-Mother: Blue Mutt, Xylona Waterwillow: http://artdragon.mine.nu/~kalyturn/bonds/Xylona.htm
-- Breed Background: Eggs need to be placed within a fiery place immediately after being laid in order for fiery type offspring to mature. While some offspring may not be fiery, it is easy to tell which are as newly laid eggs will shine with an inner glow.
: http://dray.pegaruny.com/Dragons/index.htm (Nidus Corona)

-- Name: Up to owner
-- Gender : up to owner
-- Size: 4' tall at the shoulder, Small
-- Breed : Ruc/Zalor Hybrid
-- Breeding or Naming Restrictions : None
-- Powers:
-Extraordinary Sense of Hearing
-Super Speed: (available in short, sprinting bursts)
-Extraordinary Physical Feats: (Can leap, climb, fit through tight spots, etc. with ease)
-- Pedigree if any:
Father: Green-Red-White Ruc, Zomrock: http://artdragon.mine.nu/~kalyturn/bonds/Zomrock.htm
Mother: Cream-Blue-Aqua Unnamed Zalor (not paged! D:)

: http://dray.pegaruny.com/Dragons/index.htm (Nidus Corona)

URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com
The Whorlings people can choose names, genders and abilities for (though winter/holiday/icy ones may fit better), Hunter cats people can choose name and gender for

Winter Supernal 11
Name: Oboih Narhpus
Species: Supernal
Length: Around 50' long
Abilities: Breath Weapon (Lightning), Fire Immunity, Heal Others, Shapeshifting (Human,Lion) Sizeshifting, (Anywhere between 2' to 200' long), Teleportation, Verbal Speech
Special Ability: Air (Being a pure air, they have control over air and wind)

URL for linking: http://www.edgeofshadows.com