Eriol Backwards Frenzy

Name Kayona

Gender female

Hair Color pale yellow

Eye Color gentle deep amber

Dragon green with black Nenahueth

Personality Amiable, Kayona is a nice person, as long as she isn't disturbed while in her artistic mood. Then her mood is black and anger terrible. She can do just about anything in the arts field. and is usually doing them all. She has no concept of money or material wealth.

 Name Nenahueth

Parents green marqueliath x blue with black edometh

Gender female

Color green with black

Size 23.8 meters; 'green' 16'3" s / 74' l / 122' ws

Personality Elegant in the air. Not surprisingly, Nenahueth does the pair's finances. A good listener, Nenahueth's contribution to a conversation is just to listen, as she is exceptionally silent for someone who is as people-directed as she is.

Hatched In Circle 4

<-- this is what she's supposed to look like, but the pickup pages never materialized, so the below images are flubbed with another